Sunday, 16 September 2012

Shout Out!

Tigger wants to do a shout out!

NOOOOO! Silly! Not that shout out!

Sorry, just a little bit longer, friends!

This is the shout out. One of my first blogging friends was Jan Mader who is an author, logophile and animal lover extraordinaire. She has been away from blogging for quite a while, but is now back and is keen to inspire and encourage others to be creative with words. You can find her on her blog Ignite to WriteShe was a great encouragement to me in the beginning when no one was reading my drivel, so I hope some of you will pop along and say hi and maybe join in with her short but thought provoking exercises.  You can reach her here


  1. We will pop over and say hi to her! :)

  2. Ohh, does Tigger know something we don't know???

  3. The excitement is mounting!
    Thanks- off to meet Jan.

  4. We went and looked at her blog and the Human thinks these might be fun to use at the beginning of her English class!

  5. We hear you, Tigger! Is the deal still on, Austin? har har har *evil laughs*

  6. Austin keeping Tigger from spilling the beans. This new blog looks very good for the Mom to strengthen her writing will totally look at it.

  7. We stopped by to say hello to your friend! She was talking about favorite words. I'm sure it's no surprise one of mine was salmon.

    That photo of Tigger and your paw is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!
    Eyes wide open!

    Can't wait to hear the results!
    : ) Katie

  8. Good Cod! That "Oooopss" picture had us in stitches!

  9. Oh,Wez thought Tigger waz gonna let it slip..Love the photie :) xx00xx
    Mollie and Alfie

  10. I cannot imagine how the candidates feel, but we sure are anxious to hear the news over here. Love this post!

  11. Thanks for the link, I need some fuel for the creative fire!

  12. and de winner oh de cat rooler oh de werld is:


    itz de best we could due with everee one's inishullz


  13. ohhhh you had me scared for a minute! I was thinking, "Deb is gonna KILL YOU!" roflmao!

  14. Gotta go meet a new friend!

    ✿•*¨`*•. ♥Abby♥Boo♥Ping♥Jinx♥Grace♥✿•*¨`*•.

  15. We sure went over there and we love it already. Will go back if we can just remember. Well, if the old lady can remember. Thanks for the tip. We have to think of new words. Can't wait for the results tomorrow.

  16. Meowzers that Austin stoped you to shout out a little bit *mol*
    I have been over and visited Jan and of course let her know my favourite words :)

  17. You are awesome and so are your friends!!! So much fun!!! Thank you so much!

  18. Yo! Austin! Is it Tuesday over on your side of the pond? If it is you can tell me who won.

  19. So are you getting a little nervous about the Big Announcement, Buddy? Listen--I hope you DON'T win! Cause if you do, who'll go hang out at the local pub wif me and sip a cold one?

  20. Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the HedgeTuesday, September 18, 2012 3:50:00 pm

    That's a nice blog. THanks for pawsing to bring it to my attention

  21. MOL! Austin! What a paw-swipe! How did Tigger take it? MOL! We're happy to meet your friend and glad she's blogging again!


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