Monday 30 September 2013

Tigger is #92

Hi, it's me, Austin Towers :)

Lookee here!

No, that's not why I'm here, though it is a very bad habit. I put it down to a nervous condition which I've had for nearly six years. Coincidentally, it started when I first moved in here! 

Anyway, the reason for my post is it appears that my old mucker Tigger is member #92 in the Tabby Cat Club first one hundred. So we are all going YAY! and HURRAH! that he made the cut.

  and here is his original badge which I believe I've shared before:

Personally, I don't think he takes a good photo - very much like The Staff who looks a bit like a sour faced old boot from the 1930's who's spent her whole life perfecting the disapproving pucker in front of an old cracked mirror, which wasn't cracked when she first glanced at it!

So I think Tigger is puckering a bit. What do you think? Yep! Definitely a pucker there. He'll regret it later in life when his whiskers get wrinkles.

I am digressing! What I actually came here to say is that there is a BIG party over at the Tabby Cat Club to celebrate their first 100 members, so pop on over and join the festivities …. oh and see if you can recognise Tigger amongst the throng in the header shot!

Tigger is Austin's 'old mucker'.
He is a bit of a sucker.
But when he does squint,
His face goes like flint
And his mouth has a definite pucker!

old mucker - (Brit, archaic) pal or friend 
(yes, really!)

Thursday 26 September 2013

The Tuxedo Cat

He is….
And some

Handsome - ORIGIN Middle English: from hand + -some. The original sense was easy to handle or use,hence suitable and aptclever 

Yes, definitely a tuxie!

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Guess what?

Hi there everybody :-)

I am here to announce that .. is a very special day!

You might know Sammy from One Spoiled Cat
Well, today is his Mom Pam's birthday. YAY!
She is such a lovely kind lady to everyone in the cat blogosphere
and as Sammy is one of my bestest friends,
we wanted to show our love and appreciation
 so we made her this card..

It wasn't easy getting Dr Weevil into the hat, so it's perched at a precarious but jaunty angle!

Anyways, what is really exciting is it has been included in this brilliant video of birthday wishes compiled by Michelle at My Three Moggies and includes greetings and good wishes from friends from all over the blogosphere.

 or if you can't see it above, you can view on YouTube here

There was a young lady called Pam
Who had a sweet kitty called Sam.
we're all of one mind.
they are two of a kind
So go and say hi! They're not sham!

Have a wonderful day, Pam! 
we all love you...
Austin, Tigger, Dr Weevil and The Staff xxxx

shrewd - past participle of shrew 

Monday 23 September 2013

Austinius Interruptus!

It's The Staff here.

The following video explains why some of us (especially bipeds with opposable thumbs) find it so difficult to get anything done on the interwebs.  The video shows Austin (a quadruped with no thumbs) who has just returned from his evening constitutional. He has already done a pretty good impression of two thousand rampaging buffalo through several rooms, over a landing, down some stairs and across a hallway into my study. Now he is demanding to be brushed... IMMEDIATELY!

You will possibly need to turn the volume up high in order to experience the full cinematic effects!

Much better to view it on YouTube here!

rampage - the sound of one small cat crossing a room 

Saturday 21 September 2013

I have something to say….!

…… Get that flashy box out of my face, woman or I will manifest my profound displeasure in your old lady slipper!

manifest - from mani hand and fest feast = a large meal eaten with your hands
NB nothing to do with slippers!

Thursday 19 September 2013

Meow like a Pirate day!

Avast and Ahoy and shiver me timbers and all that rubbish!

Today is "talk like a pirate" day!

Here is the little fella from the other day doing his best!


It seems we must ……

all day!

So here we 'arr travellin' the seven seas in search of booty and loot and talkin' like a couple of West Country drunks. Yo ho ho and a bottle of soider me lads, you scallywags and scurvy dogs!

OK, I think we've probably done enough!

booty - Someone who is fair of face e.g. 'Arrr! Yon wench be a lid'l booty'

Monday 16 September 2013

Easy on a Monday!

When it comes to the usual Sunday conventions regarding "getting the easy on" I am a dissenter!

Happy Monday!

dissenter - I always sleep in di senter of di bed

Saturday 14 September 2013


So today we have a bit of this and a bit of that and a bit of "Arrr! There-goes-me-arties"!

First of all the super sweet Swami Zoe Me ohmmmmmm has given me the Super Sweet Blogger award.

Now some of you will say that a) I am not sweet and b) I have received this before!  However, I always like to give a shout out to (relatively) new bloggers, so please put your paws together and cheer the new kitty on the block and what's more impawtant, go and visit and say hi to her on her blog. :)

Also Mollie and Alfie have a competition to design a logo for their super duper shop, so if you are feeling creative and artistic, feel free to enter. Closing date is next Tuesday 17th September. Even if you are artistically challenged you still can check out their loot merchandise here!

The super sweet Ray Charles and Rachel are still looking for their forever castle. You can read about them at Selena's blog here. They are in North Carolina at the moment.  Please spread the word that they deserve a place where they can relax, be happy and loved. Selena and her Mom are doing a terrific job looking after them and they have come a long way and now they are really ready to move on to their permanent home.

And finally, Speedy the Cheeky House Bunny is holding a pirate party today to celebrate his recovery from eye surgery :) So pleased you are recovered, Speedy :)

However, as I am otherwise engaged dealing with urgent viceroy business and sorting out world events over at Spitty's I sent my body double, but I don't think anyone will notice. Do you? 

Dead ringer!

gallimaufry = a) a hotch-potch, a confused medley or
b) a french fry-up

Monday 9 September 2013

Message to The Staff …..

Hi, it's me, Austin Towers :-)

I don't ask for much out of life, really I don't! My requirements are extremely modest and so there is no doubt about what those requirements are, I have made a little list, which is as follows: 

  • I only need sixteen separate napping spots which, of course, includes your lap just as you are about to get in the car and go to Llandudno
  • I can reject every sachet of the poo-reena pollack'nparsnips pap and have the salmon and sweet-potato frittata with extra cheese that's on your plate any time I want
  • I will be let in and out of all the doors and windows within the space of ten minutes (world record attempt, verification pending)
  • That you will make it stop raining outside one door or window upon request
  • That I shall ignore all my 3892 toys you bought me at great expense because I want to play with one toy you have left in the locked drawer with the missing key
  • That you climb to the top of the bookcase to retrieve any object I leave there, even though you will probably fall and break your arm
  • You will accept every gift I bring you whether it be dead or alive without you screaming the place down
  • That you don't keep saying to me "What do you want, Austin?" when I have just told you
  • That you stop saying things like "Hoozabooffleboythen?" in front of Tigger, so that he laughs like a drain and goes off to tell Big Ginge and his Gang! 

And finally…..

  • Mummyzickleflufflebum would like neck scritching privileges reinstated ….. 

…. NOW!

message, the-mess-age - the time of life when humans start to fall apart

Friday 6 September 2013

A hug for Benny!

Benny is a true hero as he is fighting liver cancer and he's doing brilliantly well.  What he's done is written himself a bucket list of things he wants to do and one of them is this:

"On September 6, I want every buddy to post themselves getting hugs and/or kisses from their mom, pops or human so we could all have a virtual hug pawrty since we can't all hug in the person."

So we are coming together to show our solidarity and love and respect for him and I tried very hard to like being cuddled! Here's the pictorial evidence of the trauma what happened at Austin Towers:

First of all The Staff prepared herself for the event

She's just kidding :)
(No, I'm not!!)

This is for you, Benny xx

Ok! No need to get soppy!!!

Get well soon, buddy x0x

hug - squeeze (someone) tightly in one's arms, typically to express affection. Seen as an act of abuse when inflicted by hairless biped onto reluctant furry quadruped

Please keep spreading the word that the sweet kitties Ray Charles and Rachel are still on the look out for their furrever castle. You can download the flyer here. Thank you :)

Monday 2 September 2013

Austin goes on a bit!

I won an award from Nerrisa. YAY!! It's the Wonderful Team Member R(L)eadership award! Now I've put L in brackets because that's what the Chinese whispers made it by the time it got to Nissy's blog, but it is a bit of a mouthful anyway and I am not sure what it means, as I'm not a team! I'm just me … well and The Staff …. Oh, and I suppose you could include Tigger. And then there is, of course, Mini-Me, but he got dedded the other day! Anyway it's MY blog, so yes Leadership sounds about right to me! Here's the badge thingy that goes with it:

It's a tad funny looking. What's all that smiley face stuff going on? Actually the smile's a bit enigmatic, don't you think? Looks like the face knows something that I don't! In fact it spookifies me a bit. I mean that sort of furtive/knowing sideways glance makes me think I should check my tux is in place, or maybe Tigger and Mini-Me are scrapping behind me or The Staff is taking the mickey because she has the opposable thumbs and does all the typing (albeit very badly!). Maybe that's what it's all about? I gotta make my team come into line and be more teamlike or something. Maybe I've got to try that furtive/knowing thing with my eyes!

What do you think? Have I got the LOOK?

Anyways, I am now supposed to pass this on to fourteen other bloggers! Yeah! Like that's going to happen!! I couldn't possibly pick just fourteen out of all my lovely friends and anyway I think everyone has received it already, but if you haven't, please feel free to grab it and blab it :-)

Thank you, Nerissa, you are a very nice kitty :)

Point of order M'Lud! For new bloggers. If you have word verification enabled for comments, please could you consider disabling it? It's an absolute nightmare! So difficult to see and when you have a couple of hundred blogs to read it takes up precious time. You could do comment moderation and if you are on Blogger, I have found that just allowing "registered users" to comment stops most, if not all, spam! Thank you :)

furtive, fur-tive - from the Latin furtum which means a thief with a hairy belly