...... since I've been allowed to do a proper blog post, I think I might have forgotten how it all works!!!
So, what to do? Hmmm? I guess it's best to just dive in ...
First of all I have missed you all SO much, it actually hurts a little bit.
Second of all, Tigger and I have been hanging. Well, that is to say, he's been hanging around waiting for me to move so he can usurp my nap space. Like that was going to happen, hehe ...
Since the Great Storm of 2014 there has been a stopped up cat flap to the summerhouse, so those of us needing a quick zizzz during the day when there is a dearth of humans to let us in and out have had to kip under the hebe bush. This was not acceptable in the long term, so we
nagged lobbied until ... dadah ....
Brand spanking new (well, at least the cat flap is. The summerhouse needs a paint job!)
Finally, I was sitting on the top step minding my own business the other day when not one.. not two ...not three, but FOUR pheasants marched through the garden right in front of me!! I think they were on their way to a pheasant convention or something!
photo courtesy of Google images
They were humongous so I skeddaddled pdq, I can tell you. Happily, the Staff was not around to take a picture of yours truly skedaddling, much to my relief. A chap has his pride ya know!
I think that's all for now folks
I'm quite exhausted!
but it's nice to be back !!!
Happy Mother's Day!
(to those to whom it applies:)
Message from The Staff. Austin doesn't know this ( I think he might suspect) but he is having another operation on his mouth on Tuesday. The stomatitis is rearing its ugly head again. I know he would value lots of purrs and prayers (and so would I!) Thank you so much xox
mother - someone who catches moths