Sunday 11 September 2016

Sunday Super Selfie 241

I'm not really one for the selfie!
But I try very hard to comply.
Here's the full frontal tuxie with white socks,
And the whiskers all ready to fly!

I tried very hard for the trout pout!
But my lips are not shaped to perform.
And one eyebrow stands up like a soldier,
But the other got lost in a storm.

But here I am, despite the kerfuffle.
With my furs all pristine and smooth.
It's worth it to put in the effort,
So the ladies go fainty, "Forsooth"! 

This is a blog hop hosted by our friends Kitties Blue
You can join in by clicking on the badge below.

Today we are especially respectfully remembering the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11/2001 when so many innocent people lost their lives in such horrific and violent way and for those who go on suffering because of it. 