Saturday 28 February 2015

Some words from The Blankie!

Hello everybuddy! I am speaking to you today from The Blankie as I have something very impawtant to announce!

Because of the huge positive response to my post the other day about a union for cats, I am today launching the National Union of Cats and without Affiliate Typists. You can see below the large (and colourful) poster describing a little of what we stand for; and, let's be honest, we stand for little! If the ideals and objectives resonate with you, please feel free to sign up and take the badge below. There are two different sizes. There is no official membership, no rules, and there will never be any meetings or strikes or picket lines.

This movement has evolved over many years of enduring suffering at the hands of inefficient and, quite frankly, insubordinate and obdurate humans. Now if I could work out what those words mean, I could run for high office (on top the cabinet?!!!) legislating for 24/7 napping rights, getting Class A nip legalised and tuna treats become the only acceptable food group.

Come one, come all! Sign up today and you will receive absolutely nothing zilch nada not-a-dicky-bird except the sure knowledge that IT IS JUST A MATTER OF TIME before the yakked hairball will become the subject of a preservation order and thus saved in perpetuity.

Thank you for listening

Today we are joining Athena and Marie's Caturday Art blog hop. Click on their badge below to check out the other blogs participating.


in perpetuity - I think it means to have a pet forever!


Sunday 22 February 2015

It snow good!

What's going on?
It appears to be snowing!!!!

EXCUSE ME!!!!???

Will you wipe the screen, please?
Thank you!
That's better.
Now you can see me!

The Staff obviously as nothing better to do than play around with PicMonkey making me look ridiculous when I've settled comfortably in my compact and bijou fleecy bed under the cane chair in the conservatory! 

(We are sending warm good wishes and paw hugs to all our American blogging friends who are suffering big time mega snowfalls!)

You get a two for one deal today as we are entering both Athena and Marie's Caturday Art AND Kitties Blue Sunday Selfie. Just click on the badges below to join the throng :)


conservatory - (also preserve-a-tory) (Brit.) a command; possibly in aspic!


Wednesday 18 February 2015


If I look all cute and coy
Will you get me a new toy?
I'm a bit fed up with the ones I've got
As they are kicked around a lot.

They've lost all "oomph" and have no nip
I might as well go on a trip.
You do not care about my play,
And all you do is waste the day.

You clickity clack on that keyboard
Sometimes I think you are a fraud.
You write pretending to be me,
But we all know the truth, you see.

Cats can't type - this is a shock!
But in order to beat writer's block
You look to me for inspiration,
And I end up giving you dictation.

I don't want to waste all my time,
Making words go into rhyme.
All I want is my nip nanner
Then I'll cease all the clamour!  

The time has come for cats to show
That we should not go with the flow.
We'll gather as one to tell the human,
That we are starting a CAT'S UNION!

We'll call it the N.U.C.A.T.
And all can join voluntarily.
All for one and one for all,
Let's fight the fight and stand up tall.

When we have won and proved our case,
We'll show munificence and grace,
Allowing the peeps to have the last word,
But not before they've fixed DaBird!


N.U.C.A.T - National Union of Cats and Affiliate Typists


Monday 16 February 2015

Sunday 15 February 2015

Peel me a prawn!

It's a cat's life!
I am Austinius Caesar and I am the ruler of all I survey - and pretty much everywhere else too, except when I am shamefully usurped from my sumptuous repast by a stripy monster! 

Et two, Brute? Which roughly translated means "Tigger, get your greedy mitts out of my filet mignon with goat cheese and prawns! You've already partaken of two, you nasty kitty you!!" Boom Boom!!!! Geddit?!! I astound myself sometimes! ;-)

The pest post prandial Tiggerus Fattus 

It's the Sunday Selfie bloghop today with Kitties Blue. Check out what's going on by clicking the badge below


post prandial - the time immediately after Tigger eats my dinner and usually involves thwacky paw
usurped - rhymes with burped. Nuff sed!
repast - deja vu


Thursday 12 February 2015

I've been framed!

A kitty while taking a snooze
Was dreaming of nice juicy shrews.
He struck out his paw
And punched his own jaw,
He looked like he'd been on the booze!


pugilist - someone who is knowledgeable about and documents pugs
catalyst - someone who is knowledgeable about and documents cats but can't spell


Sunday 8 February 2015

Sunday Selfie with dishevelled furs and stink-eye!

Look at me! 
I have fly-away furs!! 
Someone could have told me before I took a selfie that was to be included in the prestigious
.... that my furs were dishevelled
AND a bit of my ear is missing!!
You just can't get The Staff!

I shall have to resort to doing my world renowned stink-eye impression

Click on the badge below to see other participating blogs


resort - to sort again
renown - to nown again


Tuesday 3 February 2015

I kneed you!

The Staff here. I thought this was such a very sweet gesture. I was sitting on the two-seater settee kind of leaning my (crossed) legs in to the right and Austin was lying close by on the leopard pouffe (which you can just see). 

He looked at me and slow blinked. 

I looked at him and slow blinked. 

He then lifted up his paw and put it on my knee. He left it there for ages .... well, about a minute, which as you know is an eternity in the cat space/time continuum thingy!

I was truly touched and completely enamoured!


enamour - to be in love (of course it is!)


Sunday 1 February 2015

Trying to keep my head down!

Pretty nifty of me to set up the gif maker all by myself, don't you think!?

It's Sunday Selfie Blog Hop time with Kitties Blue
Click on the image below to see the other blogs participating


nifty - is a number somewhere between nine and fifty
gif - almost a gift
