Sunday 22 April 2012

♩ ♫ A - You’re adorable ….. ♬♩

We (or rather Austin) has been tagged by the legend that is Cathy Keisha - The World’s most Stunning Cat - with the ABC award. Apparently it stands for Awesome Blog Content. What an hono(u)r! Or What? An Hono(u)r? Depending on your point of view.

This means that, much as I disapprove, Austin gets to do a blog post. In it he will choose a word that describes him using every letter of the alphabet. First, though, he has to learn the alphabet. This could take a while as not only does he meow solely in pidgin Welsh, he can’t read, in any language! It’s a terrible handicap for a wannabe suave-cat-around-town, but he could just need glasses. However, with a following wind and some help from the dictionary he will give it a go. Trouble is, I can’t get by “♩ ♫ A you’re adorable, B you’re so beautiful, C you’re a cutie …. ♪ ♫ ♬” …. No argument from Austin there! *sigh*

Anyway, after much discussion, debate and the odd intervention, we eventually came up with the following: (I make the odd comment :)

Anthropomorphic. .. Austin says he hopes I will one day understand this concept
Brave. .. yeah right!
Dope …. no, he doesn’t do it, he IS it according to the Urban dictionary! (I think you should add the indefinite article here, but hey!)
Energetic … in between naps!
Gore just . .. might have misheard that one!
Hot .. in a cool sort of way
Innocent .. of all charges
Jolly ….. not!
Kissable ….. xxx
Mental …. apparently that also means something good in the Urban dictionary!
Outside …… thinks …. the box. Any box!
Pernickety ….. with food. He says he’s a gastronome!
Querulous …. he has no idea what that means!
Trying …. he and I define that word differently!
Unrelenting ….. on and on and …...
Welsh …..
Zorilla …… in disguise!

Now it seems that we should tag some other cool cats to do this, but I do believe that most have already done it (trust us to be late to the party!). Is there anyone out there who would like to do it? Please speak now or forever hold your piece (of cod).


  1. We loved your ABCs and the rest of the alphabet, Austin!

  2. Good job Austin. I had to go to Mr. Webster and look up a couple of your words even. Cool glasses pal.

  3. HAHA! We just KNEW this would be a great read.
    Austin you are definitely on-of-a-kind.
    Our top two faves:
    1. Anthropomorphic
    2. Dope, as in You are so dope!

    ok, off to Google querulous and make sure I'm doing it right.

    Katie ...and Glogirly

  4. ....oh, and LOVE the pink glasses.
    They make you look smart AND, well... pink.
    Well done! ; )

  5. I LOVED THOSE ANSWERS! They're absolutely great!!!

  6. Great fun to read !
    Love your pink glasses , you do look a bit like John Lennon :)

  7. That was a lot of work for who ever typed it!! We thank-you for the info and your time!!!!
    We work real hard for our strawberries!!!!

  8. Love your glasses, Austin. :D Congrats on your award, definitely well deserved.

  9. Excellet job!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  10. Good COD Austin, that word anthropomorphic is one big word for a kitty. You sure did a great job with all those letters. And thank COD, you didn't pass it on to us because we would have had to ignore it. LOL. You came up with some terrific answers. Hope you have a great week.

  11. Awesome! So... ya got any of that cod left?

  12. Austin - your ABC's were quite on target. Just purrfect. RC Cat ( as dictated to Phil, the philosopher Mouse of the Hedge)

  13. Well done, Austin ! So happy to learn that you are not just another celebrity "vacuous airhead".
    I had a feeling that you were more than just another pretty face.

  14. Great ABCs. Sorry I'm late to class but I have a permission slip. Love how everyone puts there own spin on it. It shows our creativity.

  15. Austin -

    As usual, your human minion is in prime form and took hold of this daunting task with her usual aplomb and wit while you just look on in your shades with that air of superiority and boredom that you have so perfectly mastered.

    Great job and thank you a million for not passing the task on to our human!!

  16. DUDE! Did you say sceptic or skeptic? Just so long as you're not septic! *wipes brow with paw* (MOL!!)

  17. I was gonna say what Rykers Boya n Allie said! NO FAIR!

    LOVED your choices Austin. They are sooo you, my dear, oh, and I'm never querelous. Mom i but me..sunny all day and night long. xox

  18. Fabulous Austin!
    We loved all of your ABC's and your XYZ's!


  19. Oh theese one is a good one! You folks cracked us up. Austin, you are dope in my books too!

  20. Your secretary did a very good job Austin ! a perfect ABC !

  21. I love all you blogging friends so very much!!!!!! Thanks for coming to visit with us!!!!

  22. Talk about late to the party, I'm just catching up on posts I'd flagged last week. Why isn't Austin "Awesome"?! And what does
    "da iawn" mean?!


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