Sunday, 18 September 2011

Meow me hearties! - or where's Johnny Depp when you need him?

The management of this blog wishes to thank Captain Puddy for this portrait of Austin in his Johnny Depp outfit :)  The amateurish embellishments are courtesy of me (and picassa)!!! 

It's the International "Meow like a pirate day" today (Monday 19th)
So a (very bad) pome has been writ in celebration.

Here goes ....... Ahem!

If Long John Silver were a cat,
He'd lose the parrot and the hat.
All he wants is fresh caught tuna,
Morning, eve and afternooner.

If he had a wooden leg
He'd stand up proud, he would not beg.
Though hungry, he would spurn a carrot;
"I've got" he said "to find that parrot".

The parrot came, there was a fight
The outcome? Not a pretty sight.
Long John Cat, his fur all scruffed,
The parrot laughed, as he weren't stuffed!

There is a moral to this story
But tell the truth, tis rather gory.
Suffice to say that Long John Cat
Is no longer, ... and that's that!


  1. That is one good pirate story. We like that poem a lot. Take care.

  2. Oh that was SO good. I love the creativity here and matter of fact, all the kitties who have posted have made big smiles here at my house.

  3. If 'CATS' ever returns, he'd be a rather splendid Growltiger...

  4. your photo is great and your poem is so clever and creative!

  5. Ha Ha Ha Ye be hilarious !!! An' I like what ye add up an' th' poem, That`s brilliant laughin'.
    Happy Meow Like Buccanneer me hearty : )
    Captain Puddy

  6. Oh no! Long John Cat lost the battle with a birdie? That can't be. This is a nightmare. OK OK calm down Angelina. Take a deeeep breath. HAPPY MEOW LIKE A PIRATE DAY, Austin! purrr...meow!

  7. BRAVO Austin!! Insert loud audience clapping, cheering, whistling, hooting, and hollering!! What a great picture and creative poem!!! Arrrr...

  8. MEAAAAARRRGH! Ye mean to say that scurvy Parrot ate the Cat?

    FIE on that!!

  9. Ha ha, I love the poem. Very clever! Great picture, too! :)

  10. As per today I declare myself fab to the pirate

  11. lolol thanks all you scurvy landlubbers for dropping by and shivering my whiskers >^,.^<

  12. Arrr, that's a might fine poem. You can sail the seven seas with us any day.

  13. HAHAHA!

    Squawking with laughter like said Parrot. Amazing.


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