He scratches at the door
I open it
He marches in with purpose written all over his face and gives me the perky big-eyed piercing look which impales me to the back of the chair - even though I was on my way out to the shops at the time.
I cower, terrified
He jumps up on lap
I recline
He turns round exactly seven times and sticks his claws in to check for leaks.
I leak red stuff
He burrows head in my hand
I stroke his ears
He applies his acupuncture technique - well you can forget the "acu" bit, he goes straight to "puncture"!
Eventually head lolls - mine
He sleeps
I snore
He dreams
I twitch
He jumps
I groan
He stretches
I yawn
He gets up
I cringe
He then, very kindly, starts to give both of us an all over body wash. Although I suspect his apparent concern for my personal hygiene is incidental rather than deliberate.
Update on Bodgit and Scarper Enterprises
Well they come and look in the hole from time to time and even bring their mates along for a confab. I reckon they think they've hit a sewage pipe because of the cats using it as a toilet. Who's going to enlighten them? They themselves also use the hole as an ashtray - a multipurpose hole, eh!
Memo: Must write to council about smoking in the workplace.
Oh and they also came and put up scaffolding last Wednesday and returned the next day to take it down again.
Note to self. Must make sure I know where Austin is when they finally fill hole in again!
I bet Bogit will be missing after Scarper fills the hole in, seriously, these guys are rediculous.... ever though of asking Jonny to come and do it all while their "'avin' a fag"?
ReplyDeleteLol's and luvs,
There's a girder sticking out from the front of the house now!! I'm having to forcibly restrain Austin from swinging on it.
ReplyDeleteApparently they are waiting for a delivery!!! Of what, I don't know! Probably some new mud to put in hole.
Get Jonny down here soon as :>)
Lolled and Roffled as usual!
I shall come to inspect tomorrow.
Luv Bruv
Lols, mayhaps they're waiting for a new delivery of tea to come from china by mule.....
ReplyDeleteThat would explain a lot.
lol must be taking the long way round :>)
ReplyDeleteas you saw, hole now has a pole growing out of it. Must be the manure! Anyway we've had Bentleys and BMWs inspecting it all weekend - oh and Mazdas ;> so must be something earth shattering about to take place. Expecting Mick with his pick tomorrow!
Lets hope mick the pick (and his brother mack the knife....sorry) realise it's the pole they're checking... not the Bentley >.<
ReplyDeleteBentley's gone, hole's still there!!!!! No Mick, no pick. 8>