Tuesday 20 May 2014

A Bit of a Day!

Not that I'm a clingy wuss puss or anything, but after the day I had yesterday, I am staying pretty darn close to home. It happened like this: I was taking the air. It was a warm sunny day. Birds were singing,  mowers mowing, Tiggers tiggering, sheep sheeping and all was well in Austinland. 

Then all of a sudden. ....


It was either those RAF chaps from Valley bombing the summerhouse or a humdinger of a storm. It turned out to be the latter!

A kitty should always carry his brolly :)

However, I disappeared for FOUR hours and the storm didn't stop. It went on and on and on ... a bit like The Staff did when I finally returned looking (she said) like a drowned rat! Cheek!! Anyways, today I am sticking close to home as I hear that there could be another blitzkrieg storm thingy this afternoon!

The Staff wants to say thank you to everyone on facebook who comforted her when I was stuck in a hedge in a neighbour's garden. She is the wuss puss if you ask me!!


storm - something that is better confined to a teacup



  1. How dare that rain come down without warning!
    Lily & Edward

  2. Whew! Glad you made it through! Whenever the storms come, I meow like crazy to be sure they will hear me, and then when they open the door I streak under the bed. Sometimes I don't come out until long after that hateful storm is gone!
    Love, Moses the Studio Cat

  3. We hope your fur didn't shrink in the wash Austin. To be honest we were the same - well at least we were in the conservatory although that made the hail sound like like bullets. Mum wanted us to go inside so she could close the back door to make it seem less noisy (and so she could hear herself think) but we were some how unable to move our legs at the time. It was strange how we could when it went quiet again.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. What a terrible time for the both of you. It worried my mom for you.

  5. Oh no poor worried mum. Thank Cod you are back home and all OK Austin. We got caught in one last week on the park and it was super scary. We got home absolutely drenched. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. glad you made it home ok Austin,was worried about you mate,xx Speedy

  7. What horrors you suffered! We hope you get lots of treats and scritches to make up for it all. Surely you earned them!

  8. Oh I HATE storms! I'm scairt of them and growl back at the thunders. You're smart to always carry your brolly!

  9. That sounds like one heck of a scary storm!

  10. Oh Austin, we didn't know you had gotten stuck in the hedge. That must have been very scary for you and the Mom too. Glad you are all right. Take care and for sure get some rest.

  11. those storms really shouldn't be allowed to show up with out warning like that.. how rude!

  12. Oh my.... sending my hugs to you and to your Mommy!

  13. Bet Mom was worried! Best to be inside!

  14. Awwww , poor you Austin that got sooking wet yesterday !
    We had blitzkrieg over here too , but over here it was my mom-person who got wet :)


  15. dood...and we "" ""

    "Birds were singing"

    ther inn lies de hole problem....stooopid azz burdz....chirpin a way ona month oh sundayz like therz never gonna be an october again....


    N sorree ta heer yur mom getted sticked ina hedge...we iz knot on facebook....may bee we shuld be ...sounds like we iz missin out on sum actshun !!

  16. What a bummer you got caught in the storm, Austin! The cat before me had some special place to hide during them - she would often come home after a rain, completely dry, and it always mystified my human.

  17. Storms are so scary ! We're glad you came home safe, even if you were looking like a drowning rat ! Purrs

  18. We had hailstones the other day and I did zoomies in it:-)
    But I know you kitties don't like rain, so keep dry xx

  19. Good boy , Mr Poo !
    Mom feel for yr mom. It did happen with me too, but my one is longer. And after that I have to see my VET because I walked slow motion .
    Good to hear you safe & sound
    ((( hug )))) to yr mom

  20. oh Austin you staff must have been so worried about your furs fading or even *gasp* washing off *horror*

  21. Austin we are so glad you are back home safe sound a bit damp ... but dry now! Stay close by anytime those dark clouds roll in.


  22. Aw poor Austin! Good idea staying close to home. Wouldn't want the rain to ruin your shiny furs.

  23. Sure glad you made it back in and you are safe sweet Austin, hope your handsome self is all dry again by now. Stay, in, dry and safe. Hugs and nose kisses

  24. Austin, we don't like the storms when we're inside. We can't imagine what it would be like outside. We're glad you made it back safe and sound.

  25. This is our second try Austin. Blogger doesn't like us. * wipes paws and starts again.... *

    Glad you came back, we would not have had anyone to apologise for not dropping by sooner. We like your blog so kicked Mum into action when you commented (thank you).

    Storms are not top of our list either. Frankly mate, inside is the best place to be - dry, warm and safe - right?

    Silver, Miranda and Harvey

  26. Austin buddy, that must have been horrible and scary for you and for Caro too. So glad you were safe and made it home safely...take it easy and have a good week!

  27. Sounds eventful - glad you are back safe and perhaps feeling a little less adventurous now?!

  28. I was a drowned Rat too butt I was so stupid, I just sat outside the cat flap Mawahhahhahahahwa xxooxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  29. Austin! You got stuck in a hedge??!! Must check your FB page. I haven't been doing much on FB. Glad you are home and all is ok. Yep, I would stick close to home today. You know, just to make sure Staff doesn't worry!

  30. My eye sight is getting worse and I don't do anything on FB but vote for Roy Orbison any more!!
    Glad you are OK Austin!

  31. Wowza, that storm sounds terrifying. Try to stay inside! We are indoor cats, and we don't like those scary storms one bit. Our refuge during those trying times is UTB, or in Mom's studio closet.

  32. You were doing the blitzkrieg bop, weren’t you, eh? TW already told your Human the story of Nicky getting caught outside in the worst storm we had that year many centuries ago so I won’t bother here. Humans are wusses. I didn’t scream and yell when I got hit with the foam rubbed rocket but TW certainly made a fuss when a little hot water fell on her.

  33. A nasty ol' storm snuck up on you? MOUSES! Storms should have to give warnin' or somethin'. Know what I mean? Of course you do. So glad to hear it's all over now and the storm has gone away.


  34. You poor sweetie! Hope you got lots of kitty treats to help with your recovery!

  35. thank goodness you made it home safe and sound! That photo is just great. Sorry I didn't read about it on Facebook, I just don't have time to be on there much and when I am, I rarely see what I want to!

  36. Yow Austin me n Mum were havin fitz wurryin about ya out in da storm!! Definitelee alwayz carry a brolly when going out!! ;)
    Siriuslee me n Mum iz so reeleeved ya iz home safe n sound n lookin so hansum...
    Phankz fer da guud wishez..me iz restin alot....more den alot...
    Lub Nylablue xxx

  37. Oh Austin...you poor dear. So sorry you were stuck in the downpour. (...though we're thinking that a couple of drowned rat photos would have been fun..haha!)

    And we've learned something new! A Brolly!!! Love that.

    ; ) Katie & the Girl

  38. Oh Austin that sounds so terrible and scary! And caught in a hedge?! You and your poor mom, stay inside!

  39. Hey Austin! We have had that storm all week. We have so much water the county water dept is flooded and they sent a notice to not use the water. Lucky we have a well.
    We are also insiders so enjoy the rain through the bird tv

  40. I think you're wise to stay close to shelter!

  41. A soggy catastrophe indeed. Stay safe, warm and dry until the next adventure awaits.

  42. We are really glad your mouth surgery went well, darling boy!...We hate stormy weather too, Austin and we usually hide under the bed or in the cube=MC/DC=you can never be too careful and dry, you know...Happy weekend, sweet friend...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

  43. Oh Austin. Glad you made it safe back home...

  44. Poor Austin! It was storming here for three days, and Lita gets all scared when it does that. Jewel was happy that she avoided going to the vet, though, because I didn't want to take her out in the rain waiting for the bus! Little does she know that she's going on Tuesday now...

    We hope it dries up there soon so you can enjoy some nice warm sun!

  45. Pretty scary to be stuck out in a hideous storm Austin my man....purrhaps in future when you hear that rumble you'll come home ASAP and stow the brolly!

    Hugs, Sammy

  46. That sounds perfectly dreadful! We are glad to hear you are back home, finally warm, dry, and sound!

    Purrs from the Zee and Zoey Gang!

  47. Glad you didn't get lost! Dezi just lost a friend during a storm and we are a bit spooky about storms now. Mom's need reassurance that we are going to be around!

  48. I'm at last catching up on my blogs, so I'm able to read of your adventure, Austin. I would stay inside, too, if I were you. And don't be too hard on the Staff. She loves you, that's all.

  49. Oh Austin! That is horrible! Its too bad mes did not reads about it until almost a week later! Otherwise mes would have comes over to comforts yous!

  50. We prefer our tempests served in china too. Just meowing.

    (We're sorry we've been AWOL a bit here & there - between deaded computers and TWO sets of parents moving into assisted living, it's been kinda hard to visit...) :(

  51. LOL. Have to applaud you for the choice of words. Hahaha. Glad you went home safe and sound. Mwahaha


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