Thursday 30 August 2012

Campaign Manager for Austin!

Just now hot off the press. 

Nellie from The Cat from Hell blog has come on board as Austin’s campaign manager. This is so exciting!  Austin says “Zzzzzzzzz zzzzzzz” Which roughly translated means “Behind every successful mancat there is a lilac point siamese called Nellie doing all the hard work!” She is one stylish and energetic ladycat!

She has made posters
 and buttons
 We are “made up” :)

Austin has finally awoken from his nap and says:

"I am very excited about this development. Until Nellie came on board I was lacking focus. But with her on my team I am now certain that we can run a fun and fair campaign on behalf of my shelter, which is Freshfields Animal Rescue.  

This is a rescue that is local to me (but not to Nellie, so even more kudos) and does have a lot of kitties that need homes as well as other animals (like dogs!). Tomorrow I will get my staff to write a more comprehensive post and am sure you will be as enamoured as we are!

Being a cat-idate who believes in inclusion, I did not feel that we could discriminate on the basis of species (even if dogs are more likely to be found under the table than on it!). See you soon. Regards, Austin  >^,,^<

PeeEss As Nellie and I live on opposite sides of the world (practically), we think we have the 24 hour period covered with regards to important things like fitting in the nip and naps. One of us will always be awake and doing the biz … well hopefully!


  1. Congratulations, Austin and Nellie! This is an exciting (albeit intimidating) development. So what did it take? A little tuna? A little nip? Or did you flash her your... oops, better keep this clean.

    I'm going to have to make sure Waffles and Cathy Keisha don't fall asleep at the campaign wheel.

    We're excited to learn about Freshfields Animal Rescue!

    : ) Katie & Glogirly

  2. Well, well, well Austin - it's amazing what a 48 hour nap will do for a cat! Welcome aboard, Nellie and what a fascinating development!!

  3. A very exciting adventure. Nellie did a great job on the buttons and posters.

  4. nellie; austin's pozterz R rockin N austin; we canna wait ta heers bout yur shelter freshfield animal rescue.. thatz trooly veree nice that they helps dawgs two...there haz been dawgs under R roof at times, N itz nice ta collect rent frum em...more money for nip we say !!!


  5. While Nellie is working for you Austin, I shall be charming Kozmo to vote for Blind Cat Rescue. Heh heh! Can't wait to read about your charity. Best of luck.

  6. GREAT posters and buttons that Nellie helped you top make !

    Zzzzzzzzzleeping time again :)

  7. Austin you lucky boy, you. Nellie is going to make it happen!

  8. It sounds like an excellent pairing!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  9. Oh that is such a good move Austin. Nellie will be a great campaign manager for you. Can't wait to hear about your shelter. We feel like it is a good one. Yay for Nellie. Take care.

  10. Nellie you did a fabulous job for Austin. What a great choice you made Austin in terms of shelters & Campaign managers.

    ✿•*¨`*•. ♥Abby♥Boo♥Ping♥Jinx♥Grace♥✿•*¨`*•.

  11. How very lucky you are to have such a good and loyal campaign manager!

  12. Congratulations on your campaign manager sweet Austin. Hugs and nose kisses

  13. Wow Austin! These are some great campaign posters. I particularly love a fancy hat as much as the next person--so kudos to your PR team for appealing to my sense of vanity!

  14. This looks like an awesome rescue, Austin! And I too am impressed that Nellie is your campaign manager. Mine is still just my human. Feh.

  15. You are in very good paws with Nellie, Austin!

  16. Austin, my buddy, I have terrible news. I'm afraid my vote has been purchased, uh, "earned" by another team who are playing underhanded dirty pool indeed. I hope that by tomorrow there will be an endorsement announcement on my blog, and sorry, Man, I'm afraid one, uh, make that TWO Ladycats, have won me over. Nuffing purrsonal, of course, and I hope we can still be pals.

  17. This campaign is really ramping up with picking of campaign managers. Nellie made some cool posters and buttons

  18. Woo hoo! This is getting really interesting. Nellie did a fine job with the posters and buttons!

  19. Youz gonna do so wellz wiff Nellie at ya side :) Wez was over her pad and saw the newz...Good luck :) xx00xx

  20. Woot! I hear the "Rocky" music are on your way to the top! Oh, when do we vote? I'm on pins and needles! LOL

  21. Dear Austin
    Me is so happy that yous has posted about our union of forces! Me thinks your choice of Freshfields Animal Resuce is brilliant. And even though you are not fond of Dogs, I LOVE dogs! Some of my best friends are dogs and I live with 2 of them. (let's hope that covers the dog vote)
    Me is hard at work and dreaming up some great events!
    Nellie Campain Manager for Austin as Cat Ruler of the World!

  22. Come answer Austin...It dosen't stop till the next post goes on :) xx00xx

  23. The poster and button are catastic! Nellie did a great job.

  24. Nellie will make a good campaign manager. Good luck.

  25. Heads up Austinthat Nellie will keep you on your toes!

  26. Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the HedgeFriday, August 31, 2012 8:57:00 pm

    Sounds like the purfect match! (reading quickly to catch up!)

  27. Mowzers, Nellie, you gonna keep it clean or you gonna dig in the litter for some poop on the other cat-i-dates? Enquiring kittehs wanna KNOW!

    Pawesome shelter - pawesome cause! Yay for such a great election!!


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