Sunday, 8 July 2012

Extreme Sports!

Cats have been known to indulge in extreme sports and Austin is no exception. For him the activity that really gets his adrenalin into a rush is ……. "Extreme Wheelie Bin Watching"! Yep he can watch a wheelie bin for hours, days, weeks if necessary i.e. if there’s something of interest underneath. Of course the conditions have to be just right otherwise he could do himself a mischief. Take the other day. Starting at 09:00hrs ……..

It’s under the bin!

It is probably true to say that Austin is a whisker short of a full hump when it comes to some things! But he sure is a sore loser!!!


  1. Poor Austin ! I feel sorry for ya kid. You waited so long for that "meal under wheels".

  2. WOW !
    I´m amazed by your patience or should i miaow long-suffering ??

  3. Austin, we just don't know what to say...either you are incredibly patient, just doesn't bear thinking about.

    pee ess: Cursing is fun!

  4. Austin my man! Come on....mousies want to live too. Come helo me babysiT Seb. He's more fun to play with. har har har *evil laughs*

  5. Austin, my mom and I are so disappointed with you in that fruitless would-be endeavor. You did your part admirably. The mousie should not have played so unfairly. He should have waited a decent interval and then made a dash for it right into your waiting maw and claw.

  6. We have to say this for you Austin, you are one very patient fellow. Our limit is about three hours. Of course if the mouse had played fair it would have been more sporting. &#$^% mice!

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  7. BAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
    I was cracking up at the term "wheely bin"....
    OMC...this is the most fun I've had all day.
    Don't tell Katie.
    xx, the girl

  8. Oh Austin, that is one very naughty mouse to go in that hole. Too bad the wheely was parked right in front of the hole but you were the esteemed hunter and stayed there well beyond your duty. We think you did a bang up job.

  9. MOL!!!!! Sorry Austin!!! I´m laughing!!!

  10. Austin,
    Yous has tons of patience. me would has slept at least some of the time. Too bad the mousie had a escape hatch. Next time yous will gets it!

  11. Austin, I think that you are a great hunter - it is not your fault your crazed Mommie placed your dinner cart next to an escape hatch!


  12. we hope better luck for you next time Austin!

    BoBo Salem
    Meow Meow Family

  13. What the ****!!! The mouse cheated! That isn't fair. We watched for hours... and hours... and hours... and hours more... Not fair!

    Huggies and Cheese,


  14. Austin, Excellent form, Mate. That was a sneaky, cheeky little rodent with no respect for the rules of the game. Sorry you missed your lunch.

  15. At least it gave him something to do in his otherwise dreary life...

    Love the series of photos and his comments!

  16. Personally I think that mouse cheated!

    BTW, I like wheelie bins too.... but I like to pee on ours! *snickers*

  17. Haha! This is adorable. I admire his perseverance! I shared with CFYC FB friends. Never give up Austin!

  18. Oh Dear! We agree with Katnip Lounge and feel it best just not to comment further!!

  19. Maxwell: on behalf of all boy cats everywhere, we're muzzling Allie on this one.

    Faraday: truly, you do not want to know what she's thinking.

  20. MOL!!!!!
    Austin we admire your patience.


  21. Well, it is unfortunate that Austin did not make the catch, but I must MUST commend CAT for a story so well told and illustrated!!! Nicely done, CAT!!!
    Maybe next time, Austin!!!


  22. he may be a sore loser but he has the patience of a Saint! Loved this!

  23. Hi Pal! Well, I will try to take your advice and Man Up around here. Why is she using photos without my prior approval anyway?? Huh?? That needs to STOP! Whew--I feel all Mancatly now. Thanks.

  24. That made me BOL Austin! Alfie couldn't catch a mousie if it was his last ever meal!! Yooo has got a lot of waitin power!
    Big Paw Hugs
    Mollie and Alfie xx

  25. Hey Austin, maybe you could ask Mr. Bowie for some tips?

  26. Hey there Austin, great post. Loved it. Mr. Bowie says "Meow!"

  27. Austin we fink that's a great way to spend your waking hours. Now go back inside and take a nap.

    Emma and Buster

  28. Observing a bin for so many hours, that's hard work, it's like the police who has to wait for hours that the bankrobber comes out of the bank !
    Poor Austin !

  29. Persistence usually pays off. Maybe Austin and Odin should compare notes over a pint?

  30. ROFL!! In his defense, how was he supposed to know about that escape route??? I mean, the bin WAS blocking it, MOL.

  31. Good boy Austin! Your patience and concentration will pay off and you'll get that mousie tomorrow for sure.

  32. That is some serious patience Austin. Next time I'm sure good things, like mice, will come to kitties who wait!!

    Gronk and Izzie

  33. Austin, we suggest you block up that hole. If you need ideas for a filler, how about horking up your breakfast. We're looking into this idea. We think it has promise, as an idea that can be monetized out there on the free market. Do you have that word where you are? Monetized? We like that word. It is truly heartless. Therefore onomatopoetic. Yours, Bugs.


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