Hi! Austin here ...... I got an award :-) ... well it's a tag really, I guess!
This was given to us by a new blogging friend,
Jet. Now Jet is of the canine persuasion, but I really cannot hold this against him as he means well and none of us can help the way we are! You can check out his blog
here. Hi Jet *waves paw* :)
The rules are a bit complicated, but I have ascertained that I need to say seven things about me!! Oh yes I do! It's my favourite subject! Then, apparently, I need to pass it on to seven other bloggers who will in turn say seven things about themselves and so on ad infiniwossit! See where this is going? There could be gridlock in the blogosphere! Here are my seven
newly made-up things that you all have probably heard before.
1) Much as I hate to admit it I am terrified of fireworks and big bangs generally if truth be known - I would have been a bit of a damp squib at the genesis of time! Consequently I have spent most of this week wedged up behind the big armchair as it seems most of the UK has been celebrating the anniversary of some malcontents who tried to blow up parliament in 1605. Anyway the other day we had thunder, lightning and hail stones in the day and fireworks in the night, so I made myself one inch high and slithered under the chair for hours and hours.
2) I am a very fussy eater and will only eat fish if the Staff insists on giving me store bought cat food, but I prefer whatever she is eating, even if it is a mentos mint.
3) I do not go on anyone's lap except the one I call The Staff and they call
deluded Caro.
4) I love being brushed and having my tummy tickled, but only by the
deluded Staff.
5) I know "She" hates me as, for some reason, "She" always manages to make it rain outside of every single door and window at the same time and "She" knows I don't do wet. It makes my furs curl! I get my own back by nagging her to check every single door and window at least three times before I go and take a nap.
6) I am in rehab for my nip addiction.
7) I have purr-fected the loudest purr this side of Llandudno. It is positively Wagnerian in its power and dramatic content. It makes the
deluded Staff smile with happiness, especially when I do the drool thing as well.
Now the rules state I should pass this on to seven others, but as I love absolutely everybody, I couldn't possibly pick just seven!! So please take it if you are short of a blog post topic and/or you haven't had it before :)
icon, i-con - first person singular of the verb "to con"