Wednesday 21 November 2012

Vetvits and Lapsits!

 Hey Austin!!!

I am not sure what's going on, but Austin has become very lovey dovey of late! He has to sit on me even when I am not sitting. It can lead to awkward moments - cue my favourite cartoon…..

Don't misunderstand me, he still doesn't allow for cuddling or holding, but the snuggling thing is getting out of control! He also is getting very sneaky about making me heave myself out of my comfy chair to open the door, only to nip round behind me and pinch the pre-warmed comfy chair for his own use!

This all seems to coincide with the arrival of his prize in the draw that Rykers Boyz 'n Allie held not so long ago. It was in conjunction with VetVits UK. This is what he received:

I am not sure what having a glossy coat and flexible joints has to do with Austin becoming more affectionate? Whatever! Oh but he loves the vits. I wish the worm pill went down so easy!! Anyway, we thank you Maxwell, Faraday 'n Allie :)

Breaking news!  Austin is featured as this week's HOT MANCAT OF THE BLOGOSPHERE!!! You can see his interview over at Troublin' Times. Please click here. He is especially excited, as it was Sassy from Troublin' Times who had the idea and Austin has a big soft ♥ spot for her even if her sisfur Callie calls her old Lard Butt! Lard is very soft you know! :) 

PS there is a growing consensus that young Austin is getting a bit big for his gorgeous white boots!!

coincide, co-in-cide! (Imper.) - command often given by Austin to The Staff when she chases him around the garden late at night


  1. Wow my first comment on the blog :-)
    So happy now xxx
    Austin is a very handsome moggie x
    Look forward to future posts xxx

  2. Heh,Heh,Heh... Austin, are you sucking up because Christmas is coming and you want to be on the "nice kitty" list ????
    Harry, Dexter and Tipp

  3. My biped, the cynic, says out cats get more affectionate as the weather cools down. The cartoon made her laugh - she used to have a Siamese cat and her was very insistent when he wanted attention!

  4. I'm naming today Typo Day!!!

  5. Unfortunately we get a locked cat flap when it gets dark so we don't get the opportunity to give Mum as much exercise as we'd like!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. Austin, you are doing it right! To the T! Good on you. I will head over there and see your article, you hot mancat you.

  7. "He also is getting very sneaky about making me heave myself out of my comfy chair to open the door, only to nip round behind me and pinch the pre-warmed comfy chair for his own use!

    MOL!!! One smart kitty.

    We saw his mancat interview. Great photos, too. We gave him his due respect ("props").

  8. Hey Austin, Jet here.

    Dude, Hot Mancat... most impressive... does this mean you'll have a calendar out for 2013?

    Proud of your snuggling progress, although don't make the Staff uncomfortable, as they regulate the treats!

  9. Now that's not the typical Austin we know, but we'd bet it's pretty special! Rawr on the Hot Mancat interview! Purrs...

  10. Youz up to someink Austin MOL I fink I will try some of that stuff, do you fink I will be able to pull the galz wiff that ?? We'z will pop over xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    Peee-ess Glad threemoggies got over, wasn't sure if I gave them the right email address :) xxx

  11. I loved Austin's interview as a Hot Mancat! Maybe the colder weather is making him more affectionate? It does have that effect around here. BTW, I have been known to try to jump on my human's lap when she is on her yoga mat doing Chair Pose - which is funny because I don't jump on her lap otherwise!

  12. dood...ewe noe ewe bee de man...gals be swoonin N we wood swoon two but bein menz we dunno how...hay, N grate trik with de hole chair roo teen...


  13. OMC - M wonders what is up with him, She also says enjoy it while you can - by tomorrow he might be back to his old self. It must be whatever is in that spray!

  14. Good that you keep your human confused , Austin !
    I shall pop over to Troublin Times and read your interwiewv at once !

  15. Oh Austin! Me was so pleased to see yous on Callie and Sassy's blog today! Me does think yous is one of the Hot Man Cats!!!! Too bad yous a little young for mes.

  16. Austin, you sly devil you. I know what you're up to....Christmas is just around the corner!

  17. Austin, good job keeping your human guessing! Just when she gets used to all this lovey-dovey stuff, switch back to being aloof and stand-offish! Haha!!

    We saw your interview over at Callie and Sassy's. Dood, all the lady cats are gonna love you...and there aren't gonna be any for us!!

    Wally & Ernie

  18. Lovey-Dovey???
    But Austin, what about the indifference?
    What about the whatever-attitude?


    ; )

    Nice work on commandeering the comfy chair though. I may have to try that technique.

    LOVE the word of the day! MOL!
    : ) Katie

  19. Austin
    we all admire your style.
    keep em guessing!

  20. Wow, hot mancat? What an honor!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  21. We do love a mancat mama's boy and congrats on your award. We must check it out!

  22. You certainly do look hot and cutesy and, ahem, coincidentally very handsome in those pics. Would you allow me to cuddle you?

  23. Hey Pal! You're makin' me look bad, ya know? I mean, Spitty don't DO laps and then the Human looks at these pictures, and then she looks at me, and then she sighs loudly.

    Well! It's YOUR week with Sassy and Callie, eh? Hmmm, I guess they must be savin' the Best for Last, heh heh.

  24. Could it be the weather? Is it getting colder when they snuggle more? Enjoy it while it lasts.

  25. BOL that's a funny cartoon! Don't lose your coolness, buddy

  26. You sneaky cat, claiming your mom's chair! Maybe you'll even want to cuddle soon?

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  27. Austin is very handsome, indeed!

    Love the cartoon!

    We're off to read the interview now..


  28. Nice interview.... And wonderful blog post today.

    Hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles

  29. Oh, sweet Austin we think you have a plan and it is working. Love the pictures of you enjoying that nice lap time. Hugs and nose kisses

  30. This is quite the development Austin... what's next? Katie being sweet? Zoey being modest?

    Loved the cartoon!!

  31. Austin on a pedestal. Where he belongs. All hail Austin.

  32. Your interview was definitely swoon-worthy Austin! You had Izzie fanning herself and everything!! Way to represent us handsome tuxedo cats!

    Gronk and Izzie.


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