Sunday 25 November 2012

Super Sweet Blog of the Year!!!

Well I never!!! It seems we are the unwilling happy recipients of a couple more awards!! We have been inundated with two this week :) …

My Three Moggies have given us the Sickly Super Sweet Blog Award!

Now, as always, there are rules attached..

1. Give credit to the person who chose to nominate you: Thank you very much to My Three Moggies for thinking of us :)

2. Answer the ‘Super Sweet’ questions. See below
3. Nominate a “Baker’s Dozen (13) blogs. (We are going to break the rules here, so no need to run screaming from this blog in fear and trembling that you might have been picked ;)
Here are the Super Sweet Questions with Austin's answers:-
1. Cookies or Cake? Huh?
2. Chocolate or Vanilla? Huh?
3. What is your favorite sweet treat? Huh?
4. When do you crave sweet things the most? Huh?
5. If you had a sweet nickname, what would it be? Humbug!
Austin is being a bit uncooperative - or he maybe stuttering! Am not entirely sure? But he is secretly very delighted…..

… so much so, that he had to take a private moment with the Christmas cactus!
Instead of picking 13 blogs, we are going to just say that if you haven't got the award already and would like it, then please, please take it because every one of CATachresis readers are sweet to come by here and share the lurve! :)

Also, from Nellie over at Cat from Hell blog, we have received the
Blog of the Year 2012
Can you see one star is lit up? We can apparently receive this award up
to six times before we are vaporised, or worse …signed up on a reality TV show!!  

The ‘rules’ for this award are:
1 Select the blog(s) you think deserve the ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award
2 Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen – there’s no minimum or maximum number of blogs required – and ‘present’ them with their award.
3 Please include a link back to this page ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award – and include these ‘rules’ in your post (please don’t alter the rules or the badges!)
4 Let the blog(s) you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the ‘rules’ with them
5 You can now also join our Facebook group – click ‘like’ on this page ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award Facebook group and then you can share your blog with an even wider audience
6 As a winner of the award – please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award (Cat from Hell) – and then proudly display the award on your blog and sidebar … and start collecting stars…
Austin has picked a few blogs on which to bestow the Blog of the Year award. This doesn't mean the rest aren't worthy because he reads avidly about elebenty gazillion blog posts every day, but just because …ok!!

His old buddy Spitty, The Spitster, because they have the odd brewski together and talk dirty!
The Horde at Katnip Lounge, as they are awesome!!
Mollie and Alfie, because they are crazy and make us laugh even when we don't want to!
The Trout Talkin Tabbies, just because we don't understand a werd they say about burds and trout, but we won't give up trying!!! ;)
Cathy Keisha of Stunning Keisha, the ghetto kitty who hides a heart of gold (oh yes she does;)

There are so many more we could choose and we hope that no one is upset that they weren't picked. If you were picked and don't "do" awards, then that's fine too :)

Exhausted now!!!!

conflates, con-flates - the bringing together of two or more breakfast cereals 


  1. The two of you are stars, aren't you. Austin, I can understand why you have chosen this word of the day. Cereals, even mixed are so healthy and balance all this super sweetness in your wold, aaehhm, galaxy. Glad you still have time 'to smell the roses'

  2. Hey Austin, Jet here.

    Concatulations on your pawesome awards dude. Kinda bugged out on the answers huh?

  3. we have had problems we site and had to go back to Please continue following us xxx. Can you edit link in today's post as it takes you to crashed site :-(. Many thanks and well deserved award xxx

  4. Congrats on the nice awards! You are sweet every year!

  5. Concatulations on your awards, Austin! For some reason, I am curiously tempted to create a brand new one just to give you! ;-)

    J/K - you can stop screaming now!

  6. Concats on your awards Austin!
    And thanks for helping us get
    ed-u-ma-cat-ed by teaching us all the new words. We love confusing the Momma!
    Harry, Dexter and Tipp

  7. Austin, you and your mom are just the stars in MY bloggie day! I get a star every time I read your adventures or Tiggers, or both. Love you giys.

  8. WooHoo!!!
    Pawsome awards, Austin! And your answers are so...well, minimalistic? ; )
    What a fun award from Miss Nellie too! And a very nice choice of deserving recipients. We love ALL of them!

    Once again, Glogirly is having all sorts of fun reading aloud your word of the day.

  9. Oh Austin, good job getting all those awards. We are so frilled that we didn't get any. MOL. Better you than us. By the way, great answers. Too funny. Glad we are putting such good use to the word Frill. Take care.

  10. Superb answers, Austin. Keeps the hooman confused, eh? Pawesome. purrr...meow!

  11. Congrats on your awards, Austin. Spitty gave us the Blog of the Year Award and told us there were no rules. So we're following Spitty because we don't like rules. ;)

  12. MOL! Before I even read the last line of your post, I thought, "I'm exhausted!"

  13. Whoa! I've got 2 stars! Think I'll take the cupcake award too! I thought con flakes were one cereal. MOL

  14. Oh Boy.

    ha ha ha ha!

    ConCATS, Austin, and we'll give Mommy Ye Olde Cattle Prod to get this posted!

  15. Wow--thanks Austin! My stars is starting to fill up--I'm up to three now, counting yours! I'm honored, Pal.

    My Human the English teacher loves your words ;-)

  16. Way to go Austin..Thank you soooooo much for my stars. I've got 5 stars now, and I can't remember who they are all from..MOL Must get OR-GAN-IZED...Means sorting your cwap out..BOL. xxx00xx
    Mollie and Alfie

  17. Congrats buddy!! Hopefully these things go around and up with me, BOL ;)

  18. Congrats to you, Austin! You deserve it and hope you were able to take it all in during that quiet moment :-)

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  19. Congratulations, Austin and staff! As others have said, you and your blog sure deserve it, but I quite understand and run squealing from those, meself! LOL

  20. You are the best, Austen! Awards notwithstanding (now there's a word for you)!
    Whether covered in accolades or alone with us your fans all accolade free (yaay), you certainly deserve the moniker of handsomest cat, not just on the blogosphere, but in the whole wide world!!
    At least me and Mama and Mimi think so!!!
    And a smart one, at that!!!

    head bumps and sniffs,
    the Buddhakats,
    janet and Mama and Mimi

  21. conga rats dood on winnin theez fine awards N cash prizes...we linked bak ta yur page sew ewe can get enuff stars for yur holly wood cement square on de walk oh fame sidewalk what cha call outside a holly wood... but we think we messed up coz we onlee seez one star N even if we dont noe math we figured by now ya shuld haz 12....


  22. Our feelings are NOT hurt at all that you didn't give us an award. The money is on the way.
    Love the con-flates. That is mighty good cereal.

    By the way, congrats on the awards. Hope you get all your stars Austin. We know you will. Have a great day.

  23. Yeah, you can see my pictures..Oh send me your address in my contacts :) Your only down the road. Hope you haven't been hit by the floods. Keep me posted . xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  24. Congrats on your awards!!!
    I had heard that you have had lots of rain!! Fingers crossed it stops for you. We haven't had rain in months!!!! Maybe you could send us some!!!
    The last rain was the day before Zoie died!!!! :(

  25. Congrats on your well-deserved awards! Purrs....

  26. Austin - Sassy here. Loved your answers. You got to keep the ladies guessing!

  27. Austin, we loved the humbug answer BEST. But you're kinda messin' with your mancat image by sniffin' the flowers, dood, even if they are CACTI.

    (Pee Ess, concats on the award!!)

  28. Hey Pal, it seems to be award season! I think we is finally caught up! As long as nobody comes up with any more.....Oh noooooooooooO!

  29. Oh wow, congrats to you and Austin! Well done! :)

    I love Austin's answers to the sweet questions LOL.

  30. This is too complicated for our pea brain but think you're a star!

  31. Concatulations on your pawsome awards!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  32. You deserve every award out there. You are super stars!

  33. Hi Big Boy! Hope you are staying warm and dry across the pond! We might have to switch from beer to hot buttered rums for the winter, eh?

  34. Congrats on your awards Austin! As for the breakfast word..... can I have bacon instead?

  35. Congratulations on your awards!

  36. I think Austin isn't into treats... why? Because there's something else he likes... flowers... because they're pretty and romantic. MWAHAHAHA.

    P.S. Congratulations on your award.

    Huggies and Cheese,


  37. Concats on the awards! They are well-deserved!
    (yeah, I'm late to the pawty, I know:-/)


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