Being a creature of habit I tend to meander along the same well trod path. I walk past the dog poo bin on the right, making sure I dodge all the doggie dos that decorate the grass verge all the way along. A bit further up I pass the "American" house on the left where I keep my head down so I don't have to say "hi" to the garrulous owner who comes from somewhere like Slapout, Alabama and is never short of something to say very loudly in colloquial American. There are a couple of ponies grazing rather dejectedly in the field opposite. They are probably melancholy because they're worn out with all the southern chat:P I cross over the bit where the drunks coming back from "The Gazelle" stop to throw up noisily in the gritting bin, glance covetously at the posh house on the other corner and then, ignoring the noisy geese in the allotment, I turn right, down the road that leads to the old people's home.
Now this is the bit where it gets interesting (no! honest! bear with me .... please!). It is so atmospheric (even the OP home, but will come to that in a minute). Either side of the path there is a field. In the fields there are sheep. In one field (quite prosperous looking) there are usually black sheep and in the other field (not so viable due to brambles and Japanese knotweed) there are usually white sheep! Unlike "my field" where integration and assimilation has resulted in a certain degree of interracial harmony, these have obviously been kept segregated for some unknown, but possibly political, reason. One day, however, I noticed that a couple of white sheep had strayed into the field with the black sheep. It was an interesting sight!
The "foreigners" were huddled together looking bemused and rather miserable. I guess they were feeling overwhelmed and a bit isolated, being in the minority, and the black sheep were a tad threatening, encircling them as they were. I was almost at the point of sending out for a UN resolution or two to try and bring about a peaceful conclusion before the situation deteriorated to the point of internecine carnage. I wondered what caused the two white sheep to make the journey over to the other side? Were they asylum seekers, desperate to escape political instability in their own field; or economic migrants determined to try and elicit a better life for themselves and their offspring in a field that's clearly benefitted from EU category one funding? The indigenous sheep seemed quite suspicious of the immigrants, but who could blame them if they were unsettled? These interlopers would put a tremendous strain on an already finely balanced ecosystem. The scales could so easily tip over and plunge the fragile agrarian economy into a deep recession.
Musing for a moment over how the microcosmic can mirror the macro - at least it does in my overly exercised imagination, I eventually leave the sheep to work out their own solution and stroll further down the lane to an altogether more community orientated group gathered at Watership Down. Here, on any given day in the spring and summer one can see between 20 and 30 rabbits doing what it is that rabbits do, and when they're not doing that they are hopping in and out the vegetation extracting the choicest morsels of food! When the sun is shining, their "cottontails" glisten as they catch the light and they appear to dance as they bob up and down. I give them names, Hazel, Fiver, Bigwig, but am surprised to discover that this has already been done, so I move on through the scattering "crowd of witnesses" to the bend in the lane. It is at this point the road emerges from the trees and the "panoramic view" thing kicks in.
Before me I can see the shimmering waters of the Straits (well, except when the
ReplyDeleteA total tangent from your usual writing material... e.g His Benevolent Honour, the Great Supreme Majestey, Oil Exporter, Part Time Mass Murderer, Politician, Dictator, Lord, King and Rabid Catastrophe and Animal Wrongs Activist...... Austin -.-
*breathes in*
*opens gob*
"Darned good blog! 'specially the curious case of the poo bin in the midsummer night's dream time!"
No, all seriousness aside, that was a great blog.
Good thing to read before I go to bed :)
Well, I'm off to work now... JOKING! It's almost 1AM xD
Love you lots!
You sweet boy :>) Can I employ you as Austin's agent and general thesaurus? ;)
ReplyDeleteI agree with D, a jolly good read, ol girl. Lovely piccies too.
ReplyDeleteSi Bruv. xx
You could employ me as his tyrantasourus if you wish, although I'm not sure how consistant I would be :P
ReplyDeleteI've only just realised the relevence and pun-age that the title of this blog entry has... duh!
Nice one ;)
Well ol boy! Coming from someone who doesn't do reading, I am chuffed to point of grinning :>)
ReplyDeleteDavy I've just realised that the Thesaurus is extinct, so Tyrantasourus it is ! Yep there's always the subliminal subtext lolol
We've got a Thesaurus... so they can't be ex-stink. It's evolved to look like a book though, to blend in with its surroundings.
a wonderful thing, evolution ;) Delighted to know there's at least one left in captivity. David Attenborough will be around after lunch! xx
ReplyDeleteWe've skipped lunch... does that Mean D.Attenbranch will be coming anytime in the next one brazillian years?
Well, it'll give him time to evolve into an amoeba!
ReplyDelete...That's what they all say!