Monday, 2 September 2013

Austin goes on a bit!

I won an award from Nerrisa. YAY!! It's the Wonderful Team Member R(L)eadership award! Now I've put L in brackets because that's what the Chinese whispers made it by the time it got to Nissy's blog, but it is a bit of a mouthful anyway and I am not sure what it means, as I'm not a team! I'm just me … well and The Staff …. Oh, and I suppose you could include Tigger. And then there is, of course, Mini-Me, but he got dedded the other day! Anyway it's MY blog, so yes Leadership sounds about right to me! Here's the badge thingy that goes with it:

It's a tad funny looking. What's all that smiley face stuff going on? Actually the smile's a bit enigmatic, don't you think? Looks like the face knows something that I don't! In fact it spookifies me a bit. I mean that sort of furtive/knowing sideways glance makes me think I should check my tux is in place, or maybe Tigger and Mini-Me are scrapping behind me or The Staff is taking the mickey because she has the opposable thumbs and does all the typing (albeit very badly!). Maybe that's what it's all about? I gotta make my team come into line and be more teamlike or something. Maybe I've got to try that furtive/knowing thing with my eyes!

What do you think? Have I got the LOOK?

Anyways, I am now supposed to pass this on to fourteen other bloggers! Yeah! Like that's going to happen!! I couldn't possibly pick just fourteen out of all my lovely friends and anyway I think everyone has received it already, but if you haven't, please feel free to grab it and blab it :-)

Thank you, Nerissa, you are a very nice kitty :)

Point of order M'Lud! For new bloggers. If you have word verification enabled for comments, please could you consider disabling it? It's an absolute nightmare! So difficult to see and when you have a couple of hundred blogs to read it takes up precious time. You could do comment moderation and if you are on Blogger, I have found that just allowing "registered users" to comment stops most, if not all, spam! Thank you :)

furtive, fur-tive - from the Latin furtum which means a thief with a hairy belly


  1. Congrats on your award. He really does follow you with his eyes, doesn't he? Yep, I think you've got the look down.

    Hoping not to run into any furtums...

  2. Congrats Austin! You have the look down perfectly. :)

  3. That's one cool award you got there
    Benny & Lily

  4. ConCATulations to that fine award , Austin !
    You can also choice on Blogger that you have to Accept the comments before they show on your blog , that to keep most spammers away :)

  5. Concatulations on your award, Austin! And yeah, I like your version of the graphic best.

  6. Concats on your wonderful award Austin! We loved how you modified it! tee hee Oh we so agree with you about WV. I think any new to blogging probably does not realize that it's automatically there and probably doesn't know how to disable it. But WV well it's bad. Thank you for mentioning it.

  7. Congrats on the nice award Austin, you sure are looking sunny and bright! Amen to the WV!

  8. Concats Mr Poo !
    Pawsome award ! And your version is bright & shine ;)
    Miss you buddy ! And today I am 5 :)

  9. Jolly good show and all that for the lecture on word verification. Cancats on the award. I've ordered TW to begin to work on my next awards show. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that award was ugly. I like the one you made much better.

  10. Congrats on your award, Austin. We like your graphic much better. We might grab that one. ;)

  11. Concats on the award Austin, you are most certainly a team leader. How would your team get along without your expert supervision? We loves your version of the award.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  12. Big congrats on that lengthy-named award, Austin! ...we like your version better. ; )

    And we couldn't agree more on the comment thing. In fact, I'm sure there are some bloggers that don't even realize they have the word verification thing turned on! ...I think it's Blogger's default.

  13. Awesome! Congrats! So very awesome! I think you deserve more treats for this honor.


  14. Concatulations on your award Austin ! That's a pretty cool and funny named award ! Purrs

  15. Concats Austin! I'm not sure about the sun head look. It seems a bit... hmm well I can't think of a word for it MOL intimidating maybe? But you've got to keep your team working hard after all ;) I agree with the word verification! Most people who have it don't realize it I think.

  16. Congratulations on your award, Austin! We like your badge version better. ;)
    Thank you for the note on WV. It is getting more and more annoying and we hope those who have it on will remove it.

  17. Congratulations on your award Austin. Well deserved. We are so with you with the dreaded word verification. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  18. Congrats on your award, we think it is much nicer with your face there.
    Thank Dog, er we mean how nice you couldn't choose 14 friends to give it to....
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  19. BOL Austin, youz too funny. Big Concats :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  20. Love your impression of it! And we will turn of our word verification too
    Daisy and Cress

  21. Congrats Austin on that great award. Well done. Hope all of you have a super day.

  22. Austin - dude - you have spikey things sticking out of your head - nobody's gonna mess with you as long as you're wearing that spikey collar that's for sure. Seriously though, concats on the award - we were happy nominees too but we do already have that one - I quite like design isn't it?

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  23. Congratulations on your award, Austin!!

    Thank you for asking others to please turn off the word verification. Our momsy is very limited in sight, and those things are a awful nightmare for hers! And the speech one isn't any better, either!

    Carmine and Milita

  24. Concats on your award Austin - we're so pleased you asked for others to stop using word verification - sometimes Mum couldn't even make out the letters as they were so indistinct.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  25. CONCATULATIONS and clapping our paws for your CAPTCHA ANNOUNCEMENT! I think if the people who use that realized they would get more comments if they disable it they might just do it!

  26. Concats Austin me lad! And I have to say my silly Mom LAUGHED out LOUD seeing your face in that sun! I definitely think you have the LOOK! xxooxx

  27. Congrats on your award, we couldn't think of 14 either out of all our friends! We like your sun graphic even better :-)

  28. Congrats on your Award Austin,you deserve it buddy,xx Speedy

  29. Concats on your award Austin, and I think your version is much nicer.
    W V drives my mum nuts too.

  30. Could not agree more about the dreaded Word Verification. It's almost enough to make me not comment on blogs that use it anymore--waaaaay to hard to read.

    Your badge is MUCH more attractive, Austin. MUCH!

  31. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You'll receive so many Adwards because you're very good:)

  32. Concats on your award, Austin!

    Trixie and Caspurr

  33. Concatulations on your award, Austin.

    The Paw Relations

  34. Furtum = best word ever! Concats on your awad. Very well deserved. Mom wanted to tell you that Mauricio was not happy about having his photo taken for WW, but mom was not happy that he was lying on her chest about three inches from her face and would not move. He weighs a ton and a half! Purrs and hugs, LO, M, MM, G, F, A, L and CJ

  35. Congrats on yet another suspicious, uh, I mean auspicious award!

    As for your comments about the word verification, RIGHT ON! Please make your blog convenient for your reader, not just for you.

    Woo woo woo!

  36. Oh yeah, congrats! Yeah,'ve got the look!

  37. Congrats sweet Austin on your award. Love the word definition...gave us a giggle. Hugs and nose kisses

  38. Congratulations on your award, Austin! I like the new version of it - I think it looks nicer with your face in it.

    I find the verification difficult on some blogs. Some are very temperamental, even when you've entered all the stuff correctly!

  39. Congratulations on your award, Austin! I like the new version of it - I think it looks nicer with your face in it.

    I find the verification difficult on some blogs. Some are very temperamental, even when you've entered all the stuff correctly!

  40. I'm glad i've gone past that new blogger issue.

    Congratulations on your new award.


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