The other evening I went into the living room. The atmosphere was rather tense, it has to be said. Usually I would check around for little brown deposits or the sticky aftermath of a frenzied furball evacuation. But it wasn't that kind of atmosphere. It was kind of resigned despair. There was someone there and they were troubled. I waited. After a couple of minutes there was a slight movement of the curtain. I moved to the window and looked behind it. Nothing there?? I stood back and stayed still. There it was again! tug, tug ..... !! I looked again. Nope, not a sausage. This is ridiculous, I'm going gaga (well!). Ok, enough is enough. I lifted up the front of the curtain and to my amazement a rather embarrassed Austin stuck his nose out, his face all flat and whiskers awry! It seems (and I had to have it explained to me) that he was trying to access his usual viewing place and somehow got caught up in between the curtain and the lining! The more he tried to extricate himself the more he got his furry knickers in a twist. There followed a fairly lengthy conversation:
I did call!
Sorry, didn't hear.
I was caught.
Yes, I realise that now.
I could have starved to death.
That's rather unlikely! Anyway you're all right now.
But I was very frightened
Never mind, it turned out ok in the end.
I will probably have nightmares!
You'll be just fine.
Can I sleep on your bed tonight?
I don't think that would be wise
I need succour
I think you've probably found one?!!
After I had spent some considerable time explaining it was impossible to accommodate him exactly as he wished and that as a mere cat he was, sadly, not allowed access to my brand new 12 tog, especially after the jumping-off-the-wardrobe incident ruined the old one, he subsided and sloped off, ears flat and tail scraping the floor.
Next morning Austin went out very early. Eventually I came to, stumbled into the living room and pulled back the aforementioned curtains. This is the scene that confronted me:-
Sorry, didn't hear.
I was caught.
Yes, I realise that now.
I could have starved to death.
That's rather unlikely! Anyway you're all right now.
But I was very frightened
Never mind, it turned out ok in the end.
I will probably have nightmares!
You'll be just fine.
Can I sleep on your bed tonight?
I don't think that would be wise
I need succour
I think you've probably found one?!!
After I had spent some considerable time explaining it was impossible to accommodate him exactly as he wished and that as a mere cat he was, sadly, not allowed access to my brand new 12 tog, especially after the jumping-off-the-wardrobe incident ruined the old one, he subsided and sloped off, ears flat and tail scraping the floor.
Next morning Austin went out very early. Eventually I came to, stumbled into the living room and pulled back the aforementioned curtains. This is the scene that confronted me:-