Friday 13 January 2017

The G4 Summit!

The Staff here: A momentous event is taking place as I write! Queen Penelope of Canada, Alaska and The Northern Territories has summoned to her domain, representatives from across the globe to discuss the state of the feline economy in the Gato 4 summit. 

Attending the summit with Queen Nellie are: HM Katie Isabella, Queen of Tennessee and all Neighbouring Lands, Chairman Flynn of the People's Republic of Devon and, of course, Archduke Austin Towers, Prince of Anglesey and Wales. 

Here they are taking time out from their hectic schedule to .........
......... do what they do best ..... hangin', chillin', nappin' and snugglin'
Other world leaders please take note! 😆
(Picture credit to Nellie's mom who took this clandestine shot!)

It is hoped great things will be achieved and momentous decisions made, not the least is solving the world treat shortage and discussing the more equal distribution of class A nip. 

😺 Check out Nellie's blog today! 😺


  1. World treat shortage! Peaceful world leaders! Class A Nips. Common goals. Wow. This is big. Very very big. We bet the newspapers will be full of it - and we heard it from you first!!!

  2. This is so awesome. Exactly the kind of politics the world desperately needs.

  3. Mes wonders if decree in freeze dried salmon for every cat will cause a world wide shortage? And will wes make the Tower Times?
    Austin yous and Flynn and Katie is the bestest.
    Thanks Yous!
    Your Nellie Bellie

  4. Looks like you kitties have it all figured out ... or at least what truly matters anyway!

  5. All these great minds together in one place! I have hope you'll be able to solve the treat shortage in my house specifically!

  6. With you pals on duty, maybe we'll finally get some help with these monumental problems! We CAN'T RUN out oof treats - I mean, who ever heard of such a horrible thing? You can't let it happen!

  7. If all the other world leaders took a leaf out of their book the world would be a better place!
    Elliot and Cricket x

  8. Prof. Austin, you forgot to mention your title. Gato 4 summit could surely teach something to humans governing our planet.
    First off napping together creates congenial and harmonious summits.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  9. Now that's the way to work out and solve world problems! That is a lovely and handsome group!

  10. We hope you have a terrific summit and come to good decisions. Humans, TAKE NOTE!

  11. We put our full trust in you guys to find an successful and peaceful solution for the treat shortage and distribution of nip! Thank you for your service to felines everywhere!

  12. total lee awesum post two day dood !!!! de graffix nellie did iz bee yond pawsum awesum !! ♥♥♥♥♥ heerz two a lemon tetra kinda week oh end two all ♥♥♥

  13. I think we can safely say it was a very successful summit, very enjoyable too. I came away with some good ideas for the PROD.

  14. Looks as though you got a lot done during your summit.

  15. Austin, a perfect rendering of the momentous event that took place as we a\were summoned from far and farther. It was an honor to appear before Queen Nellie Nellie and to take part in this Summit. Impawtent matters were discussed and slept on.. Tower Times may pick up this breaking news! I was surprised that Nellie's mommy took our likeness!

  16. Sounds momentous! Happy Rubber Ducky Day!

    Cats of wildcat woods

  17. Oh mouses! What a summit this is gonna be! More treats is surely on the agenda

  18. I'm sure the four of you will accomplish great things.

  19. Oh my! We shall expect GREAT and WONDERFUL things from this meeting of the minds (and warm bodies). A most momentous (and snuggly) occasion indeed!

    Hugs, Angel Sammy

  20. I bet you smartie cats could solve many a world problem together!! Good luck!

  21. "clandestine"! MOL! Were there shenanigans, we wanna know?

  22. We an tell you were ear-deep in important discussions to make the world a better place. :)

  23. Wow! We can't wait to hear what decisions have been made!

  24. Now that's what we call a meeting of some great minds! :)

  25. This looks like a royal meeting, Austin. G...reat in all ways :) Pawkisses for a Happy Day to you all :) <3

  26. Great kitty minds thinks alikes... Looking furward to the summit decisions on peace and snuggles and stuffs... Katie Kitty Too.

  27. THIS IS GREAT!! I love seeing this worldwide get togethering!! Totally Brilliant!!!

  28. Looks like you have the situation under control!
    Have a super week...

    Noodle and crew

  29. Aww! Look at this adorable crew!! Hope you have a wonderful day! :)

  30. You look so great together!!! The best summit ever!!! I'm sure you accomplished a lot!!!

  31. Guys what an epically epic Summit, I'm sure mew sorted out all the import things and we know of a few world leaders that should follow your pawesome example!

    Bestest purrs

    Basil & Co xox

  32. Heavens! Why have We not heard about this sooner? This is NEWS of EARTH-SHATTERING PURRPAWTIONS!

  33. We can see all of you amazing kitties have it figured out. That is the greatest summit we have ever heard of. Hugs and nose kisses

  34. Sure, It's going to make into a Meowvie !
    Fantastic 4 !
    Me offers to be a Meowrector..tee..heh
    Pawsome =^x^=

  35. I realize 3/4's of you aren't from the U.S. but maybe you can overthrow our small-handed, orange leader.

  36. A world treat shortage!? I hope you get that sorted quickly.

  37. Mee-you wee not fink wee see Mistur Pee Em Justin Trudeau an Trump thee Chump an Mistur Poo-tin chillaxing like this at their summit!!!!
    they could leern ALOT frum us katss!!!
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~


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