Friday 22 February 2013

A Quint Original

Many, in the pet blogging world, will have heard of the talented kitten called Quint who is one of the Colehaus Cats. At a very young age, much to the surprise of his human Mom and Dad, he showed an interest in making marks and patterns with his paw! I think the best thing to do is let you read his story for yourselves - if you haven't already. Part One can be found here and then you can follow the links to parts two and three. Here is a short quote from his story:

It began when he discovered specks of fresh toothpaste on a bathroom mirror. Those specks were fascinating. He didn’t pounce and try to capture the specks; choosing instead to smear them around the glass. With his oversized paws and close proximity to the sink facet, soon we found it necessary to wipe down his “canvas” every day just so we could see ourselves….

You need to read the rest for yourselves! Remember he was, and still is, a kitten!

Well, I was so enamoured I decided (that's me the Staff person!) that I should buy a small one for Austin :) So I did. And here it is:

His style is Impressionistic Pawism

And here is the artist

The artist at work!

Austin was very excited

In fact he cast his professional eye (nose!) over every inch 

Austin was so enthusiastic that he begged me to video him hamming it up displaying his expert knowledge as an art critic (and his handsome tux)!

If you can't view the video you can look on YouTube here. The music is Billets Doux by Django Reinhardt.

acrylic, a-cry+lick - what happens when a big heavy biped steps on a small furry feline


  1. I love your little painting!! What a talented kitty Quint is!

  2. We've seen some of Quint's artwork. He is very talented. We like that painting he did for you.

  3. Austin that is the most positive critique, EVER! We think Quint is quite the talent.

  4. Que fascinante ese arte gatuno ,de verdad impresionante. Mr.Austin como buen critico evaluó la obra y al parecer le dio su aprobación. Buena música.

  5. What an art critic you are...I would be afraid of your eye-for-detail! This artist has to be good if you say so! Keep up the good work Austin...there is no escaping that eye! Hugs & Purrs...

  6. Quint is a very talented artist. We can see you approve his work Austin after your thorough examination of it.

  7. Those paintings are Quint are fantastic and he really has the paw for it!

  8. I've never heard of Quint or of his amazing talent as a painter but now I know thanks to you! You look like you took to his paintings lying down (get it?) in the video! We think you should try to follow in his artistic paw steps, don't you agree?

  9. Austin, I am glad to see you enjoy Quint's art! I think he is a very talented young kitty!

  10. Now THAT'S some interactive art!!!
    LOVE the video...and the music is purrfect : )
    And we love you too, austin.

  11. That is so much fun! So glad you bought one:)

  12. Pawism? Hilarious. And this staff is so very creative too!

  13. Quint is cool !
    But you are the coolest !
    Me and mom have never seen any kitty enjoy the painting this way..MOL
    Have fun : )

  14. Quint is so amazing! And Austin is very cute - I think he likes the painting.

  15. We think Austin the art critic approves of Quint's painting! Haha. Love how he was all over the painting...literally. :p

  16. We think Quint Cole is very talented.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  17. That Quint is quite the artist and how nice of him to send one to you Austin. You sure are such a good art critic. We could tell how much you liked Quint's painting. Acrylic happens around here all the time.

  18. I love a cat who has an appreciation for the arts! Wonderful story and video!

  19. We think Austin is sending a message back! Imagine all the communication in each pawprint—he probably thinks you can now send it back to Quint as a reply. Quint is just wonderful.

  20. He is a real art lover ! I just imagine experts rolling on my paintings, lol !

  21. You are my #1 Art Critic Austin! Way to go—making love to a painting!

  22. Austin,
    Yous is an incredible critic, is yous now going to try your paw at painting?

  23. Guess what? We also have an original Quint! Ours is more a study in pale blues. I will tell the Human to post it so we can compare ;-) I am impressed with the the complex paw technique in such a young artist.

  24. Quint is amazing! I am sure he doesn't go through all the self-doubt and angst the human artist do. He is just free to create. Makes me want to be a cat! - Jobi

  25. AWWWWWWW... he likes it! He really, really LIKES it!!!

    Austin, a cat of good breeding and good taste!!


  26. My dear, wear your monocle again and come be an aristocat in my Court?

  27. I love the picture so much, and you make a great art critic! I can't help but feel like our friendship is going to help improve my brain power!

  28. We just got one too - and we LOVE it! We must get mommy to blog about it and show off us sniffing it---err, show IT off.

    A-CRY-lick, eh? We almost had one of those last night. Mommy caught Faraday dashing through the chemical stripper on the floor. She let out a cry that would break glass (more of a shriek, mind you) and then before Faraday could LICK any of it off, whisked him away for a hated paw-wash!

  29. Quint is a true artiste! But I do not have anything to say to Austin...I am still not talking him!


  30. Thanks for coming to the coronation, Austin. I was nervous because I figured a kitty like you would really KNOW how these things are done, but you were very nice. We hope we did not do anything too blasphemous!

  31. Austin, I have nominated you for an award. Come and see.

    Trixie the Black Panfur

  32. Austin is the best critic art of the world!

  33. Me and my mom-person will go over at once and visit this talented little cat Quint !
    Furry nice of your human to order one for you Austin !

  34. Wow,, this is the first time I have heard of a kitty artist before!! It is for sure,, Austin loves it a LOT!!!!
    We ended up with 23.9 inches of rain!!!! Believe it or not, our yard is so happy!!!

  35. That Quint is very cool! Your painting is awesome!

  36. The painting he did for you is really pretty!

  37. Thanks, Austin, for critiquing and enjoys my work! I can see you really got into it, as we hope everyone will. Sorry if one or two of my furs were left in the paint. It happens! Pawsome choice of music! That got me pondering a new painting technique! Gotta go try it out! Purrs....

  38. That is so pawsome! So happy for you :)

  39. an amazing Quint painting...but Austin!! You tux is just well, just fantabulous!! And I wonder if Mum may have sprinkled some nip on that sure are enjoying it just a teeny bit more than one would have thought...just an observation...paw pats Savannah


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