Wednesday 16 November 2011

It's a bit galling when ........

....... your all-in-one printer/scanner/copier has more of a social life than you do!

It is so state of the art that it comes with its own email address and games console! It gets messages in the night and downloads apps. I can't be sure, but I think it might be GPS enabled and spying for the KGB!

It's so independent that I reckon it's out surfing the interwebs, networking with all the other "all-in-ones" and plotting to take over the world on Facebook!

I'm terrified of it! It seems to turn itself on and off willy-nilly and plays a merry little tune before it coughs, heaves a little sigh and goes quiet. Then just when I think it's safe it decides I should play a game of Sudoku when actually what I really want to do is sort out the scanner settings!

It is also wifi enabled so there is no plug involved. I could be in another room minding my own business on the iPad, accidentally fumble and rest my thumb on "print" and end up with the complete works of Shakespeare on single sided A4 white, when all I wanted was to download the latest freebie from Amazon. And what the wingdings is a proxy port?

It copies, sorts photos, scans, sings, dances and does impressions. The one thing it doesn't do is print what I want!


  1. has one of those far she has it set up but it keeps telling her there is no paper...yes there is - WTH??? stupid technology.... :)

  2. Mom has one too but it not smart like yours.

  3. Oh theese one is a good one! Loved your post, clever! Secretary Neytiri loves printers and it sounds like this fancy one would keep her occupied! Yep, we see what the problem is with the printing...

  4. June, it's probably already in your house. Be afraid ...... !!!! lolol

  5. Ha..Ha..Ha...Funny !!! But I wonder how the kitteh got in there ; )

  6. The printer thingey always scares the bee-jee-sus out of us!!

  7. Oh Dog! I'd love to have a printer like that!

  8. Sigh... funny but so true. Your printer sounds like my android phone of which I have a major love-hate relationship with. It will call people when I am nowhere near it, change settings randomly, and more times than not will disconnect every call I am on. Perhaps it could hook up with your printer for a happily ever after love story!

    Cute picture of the kitties!

  9. I´m so sorry to hear that you have problem with your new all-in-one printer/scanner/copier or not *MOL*

  10. Does it also bring you breakfast in bed?

  11. HAHA! Sometimes I feel like I have an electronic cloud hanging over my head too.

    That photo looks like a kitty-misfeed!
    ; )

    Thanks for your sweet comment on the blog today.
    xo Katie

  12. What on Earth... o_O
    Can you drive it too maybe?!
    For what it worth, I'm rubbish with ONE function contraptions, let alone something that can clearly multi-task!

  13. LOL! It has more of a social life than you! :)

  14. Ha ha ha, I love this post. I can definitely relate! Thanks for the laughs, and I love the kittehs! :)

    Have a great weekend!

  15. hahahaha. you kitties are funny.

    emma and buster

  16. Wow that printer sounds way too technical for our old lady. It is all she can do to figure out how to make something print. That was such a good post and I love the picture.Too darn cute. LOL.

  17. we knows what those kittehs was doing, they was sitting on top of the scanner making tock copies!

  18. ROFL! This was funny. My printer is just a plain ol' model that doesn't do anything but print, scan and copy. I'd be freaked out if it surfed the net in the middle of the night. Isn't it funny though, how printers are cat magnets? Mine always want to sit on top.

  19. Just wanted you to know that this is the final week of Searching For A Girl!
    : ) enjoy the weekend,

  20. Could Austin be somehow responsible for this unseemly behaviour of the multitasker thingamajik? purrr...meow!

  21. There's always room for you, Austin. xoxox

  22. Wow, we're with Jan - we wouldn't want such an independent printer around here. Besides, Percy keeps Jan confused by stepping on the button to turn our own all in one printer contraption on.

    And to answer your question, your blog loads fine. :)

  23. Hahaha! We have a printer that has a life of its own. Not as smart as yours but it scares the bejesus out of me when it parties in the other room! Maybe I could let it do Words with Friends... LOL!

    1. Good idea! Maybe we should just let our printers do the thinking!! lol


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