Monday, 19 October 2015

It's Tocktober........

.... it's time for a tockfest!

So, here we go ....

Our contributions!

Here's the star of the show!
Purrfectly posed!

And here are a couple of has-beens extras!
The Headless Tabby and The Tux!
Not so purrfectly posed!


Please excuse lack of blog posts and visiting over the last week, but The Staff staged one of her "go slows" (more like "won't go") and so I've been instructing the NUCAT thugs team to duff her up arbitrate for a settlement so we can return to the bit where I call the shots!


arbitrate - somebody moans and somebody else counter-moans and then someone else resolves the matter by banging their stoopid heads together



  1. Austin, your Mini Me cracks me up when I see him! His tocks are darling... maybe needs a little "fat"on them. Nope... Mini Me is just right! Darling, I tell you! I am with The Staff and in "go slow" mode. I have even been parked... on the couch doing nothing but reading and enjoying the fall view.

  2. The Mini Me Tock photo is just the best. It made the Mom laugh out loud. That is so funny. Austin and Tigger, yours are great too. Fantastic post.

  3. MOL! Great 'tocks! And great minds...we're showing our 'tocks today too!

  4. haha let the arses be stuck in the air like you don't care

  5. Ha! Love it!
    You all have great tocks, we are sure your mini will get a big head being called the star of the show :)
    Dip and Elliot x

  6. MiniMe you sure have adorable tiny tocks!
    Austin your tocks are always superb!

  7. You have lovely tocks, MiniMe ! Nice tocks shots ! Purrs

  8. doodz....we dunno bout R baa tratin...but we due noe theeze tockz shotz rock !!!! ♥♥♥

  9. Sorry Austin, but I would say the best tocks shot comes from Mini-Me.

  10. Gweat fotos Austin. Since weez not coompletely unnerstand this whole tocks fing, weez fink all of them, whatever they awe look gweat. MOL Weez sendin' purrayers fur yous mommy.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  11. Happy Tocktober! Those are some pretty impressive tocks! Your crocheted kitty is super cute.
    - Purrs from your friends at

  12. A couple of the most handsome tocks ever!

  13. Happy Tocktober :)

    My mom-person is pretty lame when it comes to blogging and help us visiting too *sigh*


  14. I have to say Mini Me isn't shy in posing his tocks! Austin, nice to see yours & Tigger's too!

    Love the Word of the Day! LOL!

  15. Love the shots, even the toy tocks! Thanks for joining in!

  16. Mini Unccle Austin iss cute! An yur no has been Unccle!!! Not bye a long shot.....
    Mee should join thee Union...LadyMum has been slackin...then again mee has been keepin her busy ;)
    Mew mew mew...
    ***nose bumpss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx

  17. Happy Tocktober! You better shape up the Staff. I had a stuffie stand in for me during my Tocktober post at TCC.

  18. Great tocks! We know it is not your fault for not being online, good help is hard to find.

  19. don't feel bad....Mom didn't post on Monday AT ALL and she ALWAYS posts on Mondays! Love, Cody catchatwithcarenandcody

  20. Austin, we'd recognize those tocks anywhere!!
    : )

  21. the mini-you is priceless, what a brilliant idea! Happy Tocktober :o)

  22. Love the "tiny tocks" of your mini-me Austin.........and the headless cat is a perfectly spooky touch for Halloween! HAHAHAHA Happy Tocktober - don't be too hard on your staff.......she is after all only human!

    Hugs, sammy

  23. We must get our Tock shots posted! Great Tocks even if Tigger was headless and sitting on his tocks

  24. Oh Austin! Mes LOVED ALL the 'tocs at your place! Mes has mussed yous and mini yous and Tigger...Mes is sending yous ALL EXTRA Nellis Kisses
    Kisses and more Kisses
    YOUR Nellie Bellie

  25. GREAT sets of tocks ol' bean. Oh Austin, I'm not even jealous of Nellie Bellie.

  26. Excellent job showing those tocks, gang! Happy Tocktober!

  27. Your definition of arbitrate is the most accurate we have ever seen! The tocks photos are purrfecto. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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