Ok, I know awards get passed around, but I've had most of these for a while without thanking those that gave them to me! As the young things would say "My Bad"! So since I have accepted them, it is only polite to post them for all to see.
I know there are rules schmools with some of them, but as President of NUCAT I question the need to fulfil the rules schmools without proper discussion and negotiation about rights and privileges!
Putting all that aside I am a grateful kitty - yes I'm full of grate - to have so many buddies.
Scroll through all the pretty pictures until you get to a lot of writing again. It'll be worth it! Honest! :)
From Nissy

(we are now at 136,000)
Being born and brought up in the decidedly un-neat rural North Wales, I understand that "Real Neat" is a good thing! Real meaning "not imaginary" and Neat meaning "tidy" I'll take that! I'm definitely not a figment of The Staff's imagination and I like my things arranged just so.
There are seven questions to answer from each of the awarders, so I have combined them to make fourteen in all (you can never hear enough about me, right?) Though some might be answered by the pollexed personage - she is a person of a certain age!!!
From Dezi - my answers in red
1. Do you hav any nicknames? Yes and some are quite embarrassing and will only be divulged under duress! Mr Poo is the main one. Also The Boy, My Boy, Poopy and Whozabooful'ngorjusshandsomestkittyboy? *rolls eyes*
2. If so, what’s yous favowit, why and how did you get it? Well, not the last one that's for sure! I haven't interrogated the humans as to what strange mental processes they go through in order to come up with something like "Poopy"!!!
3. What’s yous favowit season and why? Summer, without a doubt. As I go outside and hunt and play with Tigger, my buddy.
4. Do you hav any siblings, and if so how many? I am an enigma. Nobody knows. I was a foundling.
5. Awe you da oldest or yungest? And do you fink you get tweated diffewent cuz of it? See answer to 4 above.
6. Do you hav a favowit tweat or dessert and what is it? Treat!!! Any make chicken and cheese, though since we've had the NUCAT campaign to change the name of treat, it is now officially a vitamin! ;)
7. Do you hav a favowit game or past time, and what is it? Apart from napping you mean? I quite like chatting to The Staff as she is a very good listener. However, my favourite pastime is playing with the knitting needle that the very old human in the house - my grandma - click click clicks with all the time. The noise makes me very antsy!! I love it. The human has to be careful that I don't get poked with it by mistake! AND I love being brushed the wrong way. I know! Crazy, isn't it!
From Sammy
1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you want to live and why? The Staff says, the Black Forest and I say here is just fine thank you :)
2. What’s your all time FAVORITE gift you EVER received? Tough one! There have been so many! I would say the last one I played with.
3. What scares you the most? Sudden loud noises like fireworks and the human coughing.
4. Do you think animals and humans reincarnate? No
5. Do you think there’s life on other planets? In the form of living sentient beings? No.
6. What’s your FAVORITE food? I really, really like fresh cooked chicken breast.
7. Do you enjoy OUTDOORS or being INDOORS the most? I like going outdoors, but I spend most of the time indoors as it's warm and that's where I get noms and where all my comfy napping places are.
Thank you very much to Dezi and Sammy. Now, I am supposed to pass some of these on, but do you know? I am quite exhausted.
duress - to put on clothes
sentient - someone who wears perfume
enigma - possibly something embarrassing that happens at the v-e-t