Thursday 7 August 2014

The Real Secret of Happiness!

So now we know! There is a secret to being happy. Scientists at The University College of London have been doing research at great expense to someone (probably the taxpayer). There is even an equation!

Now loyal readers will know that I am a bit of an equation aficionado, so when I saw the write-up in the Daily Telegraph, I had to put it to the test.

Happiness = baseline average mood + what you can settle for (CR) + what you'll get on average if you gamble (EV) + the difference between that and what you actually get (RPE). The recurring ∑-function weights each factor in turn by its recent history

Ahem! Ok! Umm ...... ? I kind of lost the will to live around about CRj , but I think it all boils down to erring on the gloomy side of ecstatic. In fact they are really advocating an Eeyore outlook whose baseline average mood can be summed up in the following maxim:

Blessed is he who expecteth nothing for he shall not be disappointed

For me? I'm a simple kitty and after many years of painstaking research I believe I have found the real secret to happiness. It can be equated as follows:

H = ∊K + ∊SG x ⊃N∞→

Happiness = kibble + stinky goodness x naps to infinity and beyond


aficionado - an expert on fish



  1. Eureka! You have FOUND it Austin! I never knew you were so erudite! So knowledgable! So...Austin!

  2. Mum's eyes are struggling to keep up with all those letters and numbers in your equation Austin. Science isn't one of her specialities!!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Bravo, bravo we think you nailed it Austin. Sounds right to us. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. We like your cat equation Austin. Now that is happiness for sure. You all have a great day.

  5. Food and naps to infinity and beyond are definitely in the happiness box for humans too. Although I would certainly add cats to the equation ;-)

  6. Uhhh.... that first equation is too confusing. We think YOUR equation is SPOT ON!!! High five to that!

  7. So that equation equals Me Cool!
    They should have just put me in the article instead so much easier...hehehe,xx Speedy

  8. "Blessed is he who expecteth nothing for he shall not be disappointed"... That's me I think. Is that bad.. :) Also,just the teeniest simple things make me happy. Not that a new camera lens doesn't make me want to stand up and shout!
    I like your equation Austin. Well for a kitty!

  9. Just one more variable in your equation= love from a special human

  10. Austin your equation sounds purrfect !!
    Much better than the humans one :)


  11. My human says it is too early in the morning here for math!

  12. We much prefer YOUR Happiness equation, Austin. MOL!

  13. You got it, Austin! We believe in no nonsense ;-)

  14. Bravo pal! I just knew if anyone could solve it, you would be the one!

  15. What in the world MOL! I can say that I am now thoroughly confused. I like your equation better than those scientists' Austin!

  16. dood...if therez gonna be a quiz on thiz we will look at burdz for a wee minit N make R selves un happee...coz frank lee we dunno de furst thing bout math ...tho we can tell ya advanced calculus sucked....

    sign a fish a nod oh's oh TT

  17. Austin that is the perfect definition of happiness.

  18. Austin, your equation is elegant, succinct, and our mom can actually grasp it. Thank you, and let's ignore the first one.
    By the way, our mom is actually on your side of the pond for the next couple of weeks ON VACATION WITHOUT US!!! We are not happy, even though we have a very nice house sitter who wants to be friends. She likes kitties, but we won't let her see us!

  19. We told our dad we like YOUR math better'n'HIS! WORD.

    (hey thanks for not giving up on us. Our mom's got 14 shows that hafta be finished by 8/29 and she's kinda panicking - and working late - and not feeding us - and NOT playing WAND toy! But we digress...)

  20. Well, I once said this...

    Open window + sunshine = Happy Wally

  21. Austin, you are truly genius!

    I have to say there's something to the Eyeore philosophy too.

  22. By jove, you’ve got it! Blimey. I can’t beieve I know a genius, or is that a genie?

  23. Austin you have found the TRUE equation to happiness! Thank goodness, only a cat could have figured that out!

  24. What???? MOL Yous confused meez mommy Austin. MOL

    Luv ya'


  25. I think I love your equation the most!!

  26. And cookies, and tummy rubs, and cookies........ Oh, and did I mention cookies?

  27. What about the Poop Factor? Everyone forgets to add it in...

  28. Setting the bar low. What a brilliant idea. Except -- it's not worked for me. I just dig a deeper hole. Morose, Bugs. [He'll cheer up when the rain stops. Works every time. --Ed.}

  29. Da ferst equayshun left Mum dizzy had NO clue me addmittz....
    Den we read YER equayshun n it ALL meadecompleet sense to both of us!!! yer a GEENEUSS Austin!
    Mum sayz she needz to fink of an equayshun fer herself ;) me finkz Mice Creem wuud bee innvolved ;)
    We lubbed da werd of da day! Clever kittehboy :)
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum x0x0

  30. Love from the slave is missing Austin :-)

  31. Austin, you are the Einstein of cats.
    That's the best happiness equation I've ever seen.

    Of course Waffles would like to know how chicken factors into this whole thing.

    ; ) Katie

  32. We say that any house that has a cat in it is an equation for happiness!! Purrs from the Zee and Zoey Gang!

  33. Austin! Once again the depth of your knowledge astounds mes!
    H = ∊K + ∊SG x ⊃N∞→
    So simple, yet so profound. Mes worships at your feets!

  34. Ah yes Austin my friend....that's an equation I can live with!!! In fact I INSIST I live with it........thanks for coming on the trip with us Austin - it was memorable for MANY reasons but most of all because all my favorite peeps were there my friend.....

    Hugs, Sammy

  35. We have a simpler equation: Cat + Human = Happiness :-)

  36. Most excellent post. We totally agree with your happiness equation, except we would add treats. Mom says that she is a Tigger, not an Eeyore. Purrsonally none of us know what that means. Another pawsomely accurate definition. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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