Saturday 9 January 2016

Caturday Art!

We (and by "we" I mean "she") was playing around with the SuperPhoto app on her phone. She said she "stylised" me and then afterwards "framed" me in PicMonkey! I feel a bit violated if truth be told! MOL But it is kind of cool!

Here is the original. I'm giving her "The Look"!

Just lately The Staff aka TAT's laptop which she bought from the late and great Mr Jobs has decided to throw a wobbly and is working to rule which means it's not working and keeps freezing especially on photo editing websites! If we totally disappear it will be because the universe and Mr Jobs have been successful in their attempt to prohibit our blogging and associated internet activities. This would, of course, be a calamity, though not sure for whom?! I mean, less internet, more napping!!!

The eagle eyed among you identified Mini-Tux in the last blog post as possibly coming from Mollie and Alfie's Etsy shop! Well he did! You can get yourself (and maybe even your human) cartooned! Go visit their shop :)

I have a weird feeling that he and Mini-Me are already ganging up and there will be ructions in the weeks to come! I feel it in my furs!

We are joining in the Caturday Art Blog Hop hosted by Athena and Marie


  1. Pawsome artwork. Mom has to check out that App. Watch out for those little don't want to get outnumbered by them!

    The Florida Furkids

  2. Great art indeed, hopefully no more freezing comes due, or violation lol

  3. LOL with Mini-Me and that new tiny introoder! I would definitely suggest extra caution... medium alert. The new tiny introoder has a bit of a befuddled look, sweetly innocent. He may be of no worry. I am impressed that Staff works with a laptop from Mr. Jobs... she knows her stuff. CH is searching for a new laptop now and will most certainly stick with an Acer model that will have Windows 10.. ugh. But a Mac would certainly throw CH into a tail spin, and he wouldn't mind me telling you that.. :) The SuperPhoto app is cool and I love your Caturday art. I think "she" is enjoying playing around with editing and what better subject, Mr. Austin?

  4. Looking good Austin! Hey, we've not noticed Mr. Jobs clogging the plumbing yet, but we don't go to those pic editing sites often. We may get snoopy though.

  5. Nice Art. I like your 2 mini yous too. Hope your computer gets straightened out.

  6. That is a pawsome app! You look fantastic as a comic book hero! Love the original too! Ohhh those Mini-mes, Mom has to get me one! You better keep an eye on him and the new introoder for sure though!

  7. Oh, I hope you don't disappear. We learned about that app just yesterday. Love what you created with it.

  8. We like that artful you, Austin. We have to find out about that app. The minion-yous are adorable. It's good to have you on Instagram, so we keep seeing you, in case you are freeze. It is almost freezing here too...but that's because of another reason ;) Warm Pawkisses for the weekend :) <3

  9. RUCTIONS!! I LOVE that. Haven't seen and certainly not heard it in 100 years at least!

  10. I LOVE that picture too. It's almost an outline of sorts with everything filled in. Anyway, it turned out good. You need to give your staff more credit for doing something right! She's 10 times better and more efficient than my staff.

  11. You look very good having been stylised, Austin. Of course that is not saying you didn't look good before! We are having a lot of trouble with our PC freezing too, but we can't blame it on Mr Jobs.

  12. That is amazing! We have to check out that app too :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  13. Hi Austin, Your Caturday art is great. Way better than mine....I'm far too small in the image. Oh well there is always next week. I love the little Etsy doll that looks like you. Cool!

    Nose Rubs,


  14. Such fun! Our human rarely uses apps like that, but she needs to because you sure do look great Austin! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties

  15. You’ve been “cartoon-ized” Austin! HAH! Our Mac has been giving us—and by us I mean TW—fits because Pop installed a new virus protection which is protecting me from reading my email and many blogs.

  16. Oh yes, I feel it in my furs too, Austin! There are now two of them!

    You look awesome in the SuperPhoto app! I think the lady is the last one on the planet to not have this (at least on IG). I love "the look". I bet you melt hearts everywhere!

  17. Prof. Austin....I do not like when the staff fiddles with my photos either BUTT I must say this one is actually quite charming and very professorial with the books in the background.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  18. So your mom-person have found that app too :)
    Me think you look pretty cool in that effect !


  19. Gorgeous. Charlie Rascal's mom used this same app this week, and we loved the outcome. This is the first we've heard of it, but Mom says she's going to check it out. She says she's also going to check out getting a mini Fiona. Hope to see you for selfies tomorrow. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo p.s. Had to look up ructions. Hadn't heard that word before.

  20. That's a cool effect, Austin. We really like that...the mom needs to check out that app.

  21. Awesome artwork, Austin! Sorry to hear about the computer woes ... we hope they get straightened out soon!

  22. oooooh, RUCTIONS! We can't wait to hear ALL about them! *rubs paws together in glee*

  23. You look great in all forms Austin ! Purrs

  24. Very artsy art for Saturday Austin.....and we love your mini-me from Mollie and Alfie's shop! We do hope that you have no internet issues with the photo editing sites - it's so much FUN to use them (unless they cause your laptop of freeze up of course!).

    Hugs, Sammy

  25. Mee-you Unccle Austin that iss a kewl foto with thee appy! Come over an see mee Sunday Selfie ok?? mee been "Meow-net'ed" by Lady June!!
    An wee hopes yur Pee Cee doess not pack it inn...mee wood miss you so-o much!
    As fur Mini me an thee bobble...sleep with one eye open Unccle!!!
    ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  26. OMC! We shouldn't have read your posts in reversed order - so this Sunday Selfie wasn't your contribution to Caturday Art????????? How often is she photo editing?? This laptop needs to go. Now.

  27. Uh oh! Two pseudo Austins could foreshadowed future mutinies! ;p

    the critters in the cottage xo


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