I am not quite sure what a coup (pronounced coo) is!! I thought it was the noise a dove makes, but I can't see anything with feathers! - sorry for mentioning avians, da Tabbies!!!
Anyways, the Minis are having a summit. Summit, in this context, I believe, is not so much to do with tops of mountains as "torking abaht summit or uvver!" (channeling Cockney cabbie:) And they are certainly doing that! I am a little consternated - but don't worry, the vet gave me something and I'm feeling better now ;-) However, what the Minis are up to is anyone's guess? I will keep you posted .... if, of course, I've not been dethroned or usurped or worse!
A couple of folk commented on the word "ruction" used a couple of posts ago. Such a satisfactory word, don't you think! I looked in the thesaurus and there were some equally satisfactory synonyms:
- disturbance, noise, racket, din, commotion, fuss, pother, uproar, furore, hue and cry, rumpus, ruckus, fracas; alterCATion, quarrel; (ructions) an outcry, trouble, informal to-do, carry-on, hullabaloo, hoo-ha, ballyhoo, stink; Brit. informal row, kerfuffle; N. Amer. informal foofaraw.
Personally I've never heard of foofaraw! But floof-a-roar and a rum puss, now that's more like it!
rumpus, from rum - weird, bizarre, peculiar and puss - cat (Brit. informal)
e.g. Mini-Me is a rumpus!!!!! ;-)