Saturday, 24 December 2016

Happy Christmas!

Just popping by to wish everyone a very Merry🎄Christmas
 and a happy and peaceful and healthy 2017! 😻😺

The Staff, under my strict supervision, has put together a slide show of the cards we received (some were snagged!!) and it is dedicated to all those woofies and kitties who are looking for forever homes at this time! 🐱 🐶  May they all get their hearts desire! 💖🐾

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Our colourful Christmas card!

(We seem to have one or two interlopers, but hey! It's the season of goodwill and all that 😻)

We would like to wish all our friends and readers a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful and healthy 2017.  We have not sent too many snail mail cards this year, but please take this e-card if you would like it, with our love, good wishes and heartfelt thanks for sticking with us this year when we have not been blogging and visiting as much as we would've liked! xx

Note about Thomas

The Staff here! Some of you asked if Thomas was a new addition to the family or just a visitor? Truth is, he belongs to a neighbour of my uncle and lives over 400 miles away!  My uncle is the original cat daddy as all his life he has cared for kitties, hardly any of them were his own, but they came to him anyway!  Here he is with another "visitor" called Mouse.

And finally it's selfie time!

Me and my sleepy Sunday selfie are joining the blog hop hosted by The Cat on my Head.
You can click on the badge below to see others who are participating.


Thursday, 8 December 2016

She did not smell right!

When mum came home from her sojourn away.
She did not smell right and to my dismay,
I detected a pong that was far from alright!
In fact it was stinky, but I was polite 
And didn't let on what I felt was the fact,
that she had been cuddling a foreigner cat.

Yes it is true, I suspected as much,
that she is in fact a very soft touch.
So when this intruder approached with a purr,
she gave in completely and did not demur.
He stared at her hard and gave the slow blink
And before she knew it, on her lap he did slink.

Meet Thomas!
Dash it all! He's a handsome cove!

cove - Brit. informal, a man
(mid 16th century: perhaps from Romany kova ‘thing or person’)

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Sad Sunday Selfie!

It has been a particularly hard week for Blogsville as we have lost many of our blogging friends! Some I knew and loved and some I didn't know so well, but we grieve for them all in their passing today! 

You can link to the blogs if you click on their images.

We are joining in the Sunday Selfie blog hop hosted by The Cat on my Head.
You can click in the badge below to join in.

Friday, 2 December 2016

Sammy comes to Wales!

We are very excited, as we are joining in with the mammoth trip around the world for Sammy today. He is a gentlecat of a certain age and uncertain health and not only that, he is a very kind kitty and a great friend to many, including me! So today we in Blogsville are giving him a trip of a lifetime, showing him the sights of where we live, so he will have lots to remember and reflect on.

I thought long and hard about what to show Sammy of the beautiful place I live and decided the best place was right outside the window of my house!

Pretty, isn't it!!  In the distance is the Snowdonia mountain range and just in front of that and behind the trees is the Menai Strait.  So I thought Sammy would like to go for a ride on the water :-)

We have, of course, used body doubles for the photo shoot, as the real Sammy and Austin are napping after a few celebratory niptinis ;-) !!! 

That bridge you can see is the famous Menai suspension bridge which was built by Thomas Telford in 1826 to connect the Isle of Anglesey (where I live) with the mainland.

Next I thought Sammy would like to trek up Wales' highest mountain, Snowdon. Unfortunately, the body doubles got a bit lost!

And they had to call out the RAF!!

But all's well that end's well! 
I love you, buddy!

We hope you enjoyed the trip! Keep smiling, Sammy, we all love you! xx

❤️ Today is the day Sammy also takes his final trip and we will miss him so very much ❤️

This blog hop is hosted by Madi and Easy (❤️RIP❤️) and Dory 

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Sunday Squashed Ear Selfie!

My right ear looks as if its been squashed!
Don't laugh! I seem kinda sloshed!
I think I've been framed!
I am very ashamed!
And my buckle is totally swashed!

This week we got a parcel in the post! It was a lovely "distressed" little canvas of a snowman that The Staff ordered from the very talented Lynne of Sketching with Dogs! I have to say I was not distressed to receive it!

There are a few super pictures to choose from, all with a Christmas snowman motif. You can check them out here!

We are joining in the Sunday Selfie blog hop hosted by The Cat on my Head for the first time in ages. Click on the image below if you would like to see the others participating!

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

The Towers Times Issue #8 - The Pre-Christmas Edition

Hi Everyone! Here we are, just three months after the last edition - Issue #8 of the prestigious heavyweight broadsheet The Towers Times! I do hope you find something within to spark your interest. If not, you can print it off and make a paper aeroplane! 

To make it larger, hover and click on the pop-out top right corner or go here

Happy reading!

PeeEss If anyone of our many correspondents wishes to submit an article, advert or cartoon, please don't! :-)

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Sunday Super Selfie 241

I'm not really one for the selfie!
But I try very hard to comply.
Here's the full frontal tuxie with white socks,
And the whiskers all ready to fly!

I tried very hard for the trout pout!
But my lips are not shaped to perform.
And one eyebrow stands up like a soldier,
But the other got lost in a storm.

But here I am, despite the kerfuffle.
With my furs all pristine and smooth.
It's worth it to put in the effort,
So the ladies go fainty, "Forsooth"! 

This is a blog hop hosted by our friends Kitties Blue
You can join in by clicking on the badge below.

Today we are especially respectfully remembering the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11/2001 when so many innocent people lost their lives in such horrific and violent way and for those who go on suffering because of it. 

Saturday, 20 August 2016

CATachresis Films presents "Let them eat cake!"

After a very long delay, mainly because of the star's hissy fits and ongoing studio and union disputes,  CATachresis Films can now present its new soon-to-be award winning blockbuster film for you, the viewing public to enjoy in glorious technicolour and dolby surround sound!

The cake somehow managed to big up its part and walk off the plate!! 
Austin says it was definitely a case of overacting!
NUCAT is involved and egos and furs are being stroked!

(Movie made in iMovie and still photo effect done in PicMonkey)

We are joining the Caturday Art blog hop hosted by Athena and Marie

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Studio Portrait Sunday Selfie!

Actually, we don't have a studio, so it's a conservatory portrait with a frame and everything! I am looking arrestingly aristoCATic and noble, don't you think!  Well a kitty can dream, eh! MOL
Please don't forget to check out the latest (and very exciting *yawn*) edition of The Towers Times. Also you can read previous editions if you go here! :-)

We are joining the Sunday Selfie blog hop with our good friends The Cat on my Head
Click on the badge below to join in!

portrait - a) the frequency at which one drinks fortified wine
b) the charge for a boat entering port