Sunday, 27 September 2015

Sunday Selfie with Tigger (aka Sparky)

It's what you might call a mistake!
But it was definitely only one take!
Come on, just give me a break
At least you can tell I'm not fake! ;)

We are joining Kitties Blue once again for the Sunday Selfie blog hop.
Just click on the badge below.


catenation - a country for felines


Saturday, 26 September 2015

Austin goes to pieces!

I was jigsawed in and then I was framed!
The things I do for Art!
It's a tough life!

We are joining Athena and Marie in the Caturday Art blog hop (see below)


Work of Art - a creative product with strong imaginative or aesthetic appeal
Something created by someone called Arthur. Isn't necessarily pretty!


Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Long Tall Austin!

(photo originally on Instagram)

Now what can I smell over here?
It certainly seems rather queer!
It's making me sneeze!
It's that stinky cheese,
The typist's so fond of; Oh dear! 

cataphoric - to be very excited around cats


Sunday, 20 September 2015

Sunday Selfie with The Tail!

Excellent selfie pose, Tail!
Now you can stop whinging about unfair representation on the blog! ;)

The Tail is joining in the Sunday Selfie blog hop hosted by Kitties Blue
Click on the badge :)


detail - to remove tail 


Saturday, 19 September 2015

Caturday Arrrrt, Me Hearties!

Shiver me timbers and swashbuckle me sprogs. 
It's that time again, you scurvy old dogs!
Avast and Ahoy! Let's play the odd prank.
If you don't toe the line, you shall walk the plank!

Me Roger is jolly and I've saved me some booty.
But I can never sit down on my cutie patootie!
The mutinous crew rise up and steal all
And then they vote that me they'll keelhaul!

The moral here is plain, it's no shocker!
If you don't want to be thrown in Davy Jones' Locker.
Treat your mateys fair and give them their due.
And then they will not yo-ho-ho you!
Yes, it's THAT time of year again, when we forget all semblance of normality and talk like Long John Silver on speed! It's Meow like a Pirate day!

The Staff made me and Tigger and Mini-Me dress up and look really stoopid, but that's ok, we can rise above that. What we can't rise above is the telescope which is stuck to my eye with no visible means of support! MOL. The Staff used pretty well every photo editor in existence for this and she still couldn't get it right. Bless! But we give her ten out of ten for trying :)

There is a big pirate pawty going on at Speedy's all this weekend. Just click on the image below to check it out.

We are also joining in with Athena and Marie's Caturday Art blog hop which might or might not be pirate related! Click on the badge below to take a look see.


Many of you have had your picture sketched by Mr Thomas Clausen of "One Drawing Daily". You can see mine over in the side bar. Well, did you know he now also does commissioned pet portraits?

He has a specially designated web site, so you can check it out for yourselves. The portraits are indeed very good. You can visit him here.


Wednesday, 16 September 2015

I can't look!

Sometimes a kitty just has to avert his eyes!


avert - (french) something that is green


Sunday, 13 September 2015

Sunday Selfie with Adjustments!

I dunno! I got the tripod, timer, lighting, exposure, focus, aperture and the rest of the gubbins all set up! I adopt a suitably casual and relaxed pose and the selfie turns out looking like it was taken by a frazzled human on their phone, in the dark, while passing by on their way to the kitchen! 

What do you mean "Duh?"

Anyways, that explains my somewhat shifty expression! Do you think anyone will notice if I put a nice frame around it?

Despite the dubious provenance, we are once again joining The Cat on My Head for their Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.  You can click on the link below to see other submissions. :-)


gubbins - (Brit. informal) miscellaneous items or paraphernalia 


Saturday, 12 September 2015

The Caturday Art Phantom Strikes?

Is this weird, or what?
I was playing around with a toy
The human clicked the shutter
But I look like a ghostly boy!

It really does look spooky,
My legs and tail are spectral!
My head is indeterminate
And my ears are ineffectual.

The art is in the movement;
And not afterwards in the editing.
So the human added nothing,
So to her I'll not be crediting!

She only clicked the shutter.
And that demands no skill.
I moved faster than the speed of light
And it gave me quite a thrill.

So to all you kitties out there,
Get moving! Quick! Look smart!
The humans are now superfluous,
When it comes to Caturday Art!

We are joining Athena and Marie who host the Caturday Art blog hop. Click on the badge below to join in and see others participating - with or without human intervention!!!! ;)


We are very sad to learn that sweet Lucy from 15 and Meowing has had to leave for the Bridge. Her family are understandably very upset, so if you can please go and visit and share some comforting words. xxx


Sunday, 6 September 2015

A Sleepy Sunday Selfie with Distractions!

Austin: Staff aka TAT do you think our readers will notice the dust and cobwebs in the top left corner of the Sleepy Sunday Selfie which I took all by myself on a timer in the summerhouse?

Staff aka TAT: Hmmm! They might not if we cunningly utilise a method of distraction!

Austin:  OK! Let's do it!

Austin: Do you think the cunningly utilised method of distraction worked?

Staff aka TAT: Not for a moment!

We are joining in The Cat on my Head's Sunday Selfie blog hop. Click on the badge below to join in :-)

And for those who missed yesterday's edition of Rolling Stone magazine with the ageing tuxie rock star on the cover, here it is again; ;)


Saturday, 5 September 2015

Austin Towers and The Turrets!

You've heard of Glam Rock? Well, this is Sham Rock! 
The whole of North Wales is reeling after the (not so) super group Austin Towers and the Turrets broke all records (vinyl, cassettes, CDs) at the Prestatyn Empire last night. 
The police intervened and a piece was re-stored!


Today's joke was supplied by Mini-Me who's case comes up for review next week.


We used, photoshop and PicMonkey to create the above graphic and are joining Athena and Marie who are hosting the Caturday Art blog hop.
Click on the badge below to see other blogs that are participating.
