Saturday, 28 February 2015

Some words from The Blankie!

Hello everybuddy! I am speaking to you today from The Blankie as I have something very impawtant to announce!

Because of the huge positive response to my post the other day about a union for cats, I am today launching the National Union of Cats and without Affiliate Typists. You can see below the large (and colourful) poster describing a little of what we stand for; and, let's be honest, we stand for little! If the ideals and objectives resonate with you, please feel free to sign up and take the badge below. There are two different sizes. There is no official membership, no rules, and there will never be any meetings or strikes or picket lines.

This movement has evolved over many years of enduring suffering at the hands of inefficient and, quite frankly, insubordinate and obdurate humans. Now if I could work out what those words mean, I could run for high office (on top the cabinet?!!!) legislating for 24/7 napping rights, getting Class A nip legalised and tuna treats become the only acceptable food group.

Come one, come all! Sign up today and you will receive absolutely nothing zilch nada not-a-dicky-bird except the sure knowledge that IT IS JUST A MATTER OF TIME before the yakked hairball will become the subject of a preservation order and thus saved in perpetuity.

Thank you for listening

Today we are joining Athena and Marie's Caturday Art blog hop. Click on their badge below to check out the other blogs participating.


in perpetuity - I think it means to have a pet forever!



  1. BOL nice one dude. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. lmao we can insult we glee and it definetly gets a result

  3. That' great. Athena want to join :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  4. Jenna wants to join. Great minds think alike!

  5. I would like to join Mr. Austin but I am a peep... however I support you and your union :)

  6. Hmm maybe us buns need a union....nah we rule anyway!xx Speedy

  7. I am so in!! I would love to see one of my hairballs preserved, MOL!

    P.s. I love your blankie!

  8. Austin, I was just wondering' - perhaps you should call the union National and International Union of Cats without Affiliate Typists. NIUCAT.

  9. MOL Weez in Austin. What a gweat idea. Hope yous havin' a pawsum weekend.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  10. You can't sign me up fast enough pal. i'm with you all the way.

  11. Brilliant. Thanks for stopping by the hangout. I had to chuckle about the accents. I think I must have been living in the U.S. too long :-0

  12. Brilliant. Thanks for stopping by the hangout. I had to chuckle about the accents. I think I must have been living in the U.S. too long :-0

  13. We sure want ot sigh up too. What a great idea Ausin. The service around here is not the best.WE cats need constant attention. You all have a great week end.

  14. oh so PURRFECT! We're IN! And I move we, uh...wait...was that a motion?

  15. Mol mol mol Austin count me in as a charter member! Brilliant
    Madi your BFFF

  16. Whoa! Count me in! I wish I’d thought of this. I’m running for Vice President of NUCAT.

  17. Sounds like a pretty cool club
    Lily & Edward

  18. Count us IN!

    Or not...that might be too much work...

  19. We expected a definition for obdurate. It is one of those words our mom loves. If we think of a good "definition," we'll pass it along. Purrlease sign us up as charter members of the union. Were heading back to our blog right now to add the badge. Please join our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, dear friend. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  20. Oooh, we love that pic of you on The Blankie! We would like to be members of your new movement and will take a badge from you, very cool!

  21. President Austin, I hereby raise my extra-toed paw and take an oath to be a model citizen and purrfect representative of NUCAT. I'm honored to be a chartered member of this august (or should that be March?) group of concerned cat-citizens. It's high time we band together brother! I shall proudly display my badge.

    Yours in solidarity,

  22. Thanks for stepping up to the plate and spearheading this movement! Will proudly display my badge.

  23. We're joining! And we will proudly display our badge.
    Lola and Lexy

  24. Austin! The badge is going on my blog right now! What a excellent organization to belong too!
    Especially with yous as founder and President and supreme ruler!

  25. Hehe, 'somebody' better watch her P's and Q's from now on!
    Dip and Elliot x

  26. Both The Kid Sage and I are ready to join long as we don't have to do diddly

  27. Consider our family a part of the movement comrade Austin! Lets hear it for the easy open (name to be determined) container of all things tasty and good!

  28. Samantha say she would like to Join! Is there anything I need to do!
    Your TX furiends,


We LOVE to hear from you! :)